Chapter 6: The Agent of Justice_1

The guy who appeared in front of her had a sleazy smile on his face, that kind of smile which made people really want to strangle him to death. It was too infuriating!

"Hehe, Officer Beauty, are you alright? Here, let me check to see if you're injured!" Ye Long said with a sleazy smile to Leng Feifei, his hand reaching out towards her body.

"Get lost, keep your hands to yourself!" Leng Feifei pushed away Ye Long's hand, and at the same time, she took a deep breath to calm herself from the recent scare!

"Damn it, kid, you want to play the hero? You picked the wrong time. I'm gonna chop..."

"Get lost!"


Another scream rang out as Ye Long grinned at Leng Feifei without turning his head, and with a side kick sent the man flying away!

"Officer Beauty, I still think I should check. If you're injured, let me press on it. My massage techniques are really good, super comfortable!" Ye Long remained focused on Leng Feifei.

With an impatient look in his eyes, he watched Leng Feifei intently, ready to start massaging the moment she gave a nod.

Leng Feifei was so angry with Ye Long, she could hardly stand it. If this guy hadn't just saved her, she would have shot him by now!

"No need!" Leng Feifei flatly rejected Ye Long's offer, then asked, "And how did you happen to be here anyway?"

"I've already told you, you were in danger, so I came running. I don't want my future wife to get hurt!" Ye Long stepped closer with a smile. With that, he had just declared Leng Feifei his future wife.

"Who's your future wife? Mind your words!" Leng Feifei reminded him irritably.

While Ye Long was there, Leng Feifei intended to catch the men who had attacked her, but they saw the situation was bad and didn't tangle further, immediately driving off!

"Officer Beauty, how about letting me be your boyfriend, so I can protect you? I guarantee no one will dare to bully you in the future!" Ye Long approached her again with a serious face.

Upon hearing Ye Long's words, Leng Feifei felt a murderous urge as her breath trembled with rage!

"Get lost!" Leng Feifei roared at Ye Long face-to-face.

Having said that, Leng Feifei turned and got into her car!

Ye Long had, at some point, sprinted to the passenger seat!

"You..." Leng Feifei gritted her teeth in frustration, at a loss on how to deal with this guy.

"Officer Beauty, the least you could do is give me a lift back, right?" Ye Long grinned cheekily from the car.

Leng Feifei took a deep breath, adjusting her mood. After all, it was Ye Long who had just saved her, so she reluctantly agreed to give him a ride back.

On the way, there was an awkward silence. Ye Long, unable to bear the boredom, struck up a conversation.

"So, Officer Beauty, who were those guys who just tried to stab you? They seemed really determined to kill!" Ye Long asked.

Leng Feifei thought about the people who had just tried to kill her and had some understanding but didn't tell Ye Long since she couldn't stand the sight of him, "It's none of your business, don't ask such questions!"

"Officer Beauty, why wouldn't it be my business? Tell me, and maybe I can help you!" Ye Long spread his hands and said.

"You help me?" Leng Feifei glanced at Ye Long. "No, thanks. Just don't show up in front of me anymore, that'll do!"

"Uh... Am I really that annoying?" Ye Long felt somewhat helpless. How had he unknowingly managed to offend such a beautiful police officer?

However, Ye Long had always been thick-skinned and wouldn't get dejected like some young boys when rejected by a girl!

Ye Long was typically the type who grew bolder with each setback, or to put it rudely, shamelessly persistent!

"Miss Police Flower, if I'm not mistaken, that small-eyed man you took to the Shuoruo Hotel is related to this matter, isn't he?" Ye Long said with a grin.

Upon hearing Ye Long's words, Leng Feifei's delicate brows furrowed slightly, clearly a look of someone who had hit the nail on the head!

"How do you know?" Leng Feifei asked, curious.

"It's simple, I just asked you. Since that guy isn't your boyfriend and you took him to the hotel, you were definitely going to dish out some vigilante justice, heh, tell me I'm wrong," Ye Long said with a smirk, looking at Leng Feifei.

"Heh, I've underestimated you, I didn't expect you to be quite clever, but you'd best stay out of matters that don't concern you!" Leng Feifei warned, "And another thing, who are you? Where are you from?"

"Hey, me? I'm from the countryside, came to Ninghai City for work, but I've already told you this!" Ye Long said with a smile.

"Heh, you came to Ninghai City for work? Given your rustic attire, others might believe you came here to work, but I don't buy it for a second. You're skilled with your hands, likely sent here by some criminal organization. Let me make this clear, it'd be best if you don't engage in any illegal activities in Ninghai City, or I'll arrest you!" Leng Feifei warned.

As they spoke, Leng Feifei had already driven up to the front of the express hotel!

"We're here, get out!" Leng Feifei said, stopping the car.

"We've arrived so soon? It's getting late; why don't you not go back, how about going up to sit for a while?" Ye Long said, apparently reluctant to part.

Leng Feifei glared at Ye Long, "Scram, get out of the car quickly!"

"All right then!" Ye Long had no choice but to open the car door. As he was just stepping out, he suddenly turned back with a grin.

"Is there anything else?" Leng Feifei frowned.

"Miss Police Flower, I've thought up a perfect scheme. I reckon the person who attempted to assassinate you will try again. Since I don't have a place to stay in Ninghai City for now, how about this, do you have a spare room at your place? I could move in and incidentally protect you. You wouldn't have to charge me rent, and I wouldn't charge you for the protection—how does my plan sound?" Ye Long said with a smirk.

"Why don't you go die!" Leng Feifei's neck shook once more, and her hand reached for her waist again, evidently about to draw her gun.

Seeing this, Ye Long quickly waved his hands, "Hey, Miss Police Flower, calm down, calm down, I'm getting out of the car, see you another day!"

After closing the car door, Leng Feifei floored the accelerator, leaving the place directly!

Watching the departing car, Ye Long couldn't help but rub his nose and grinned, "Mm, quite a girl, I'm booking her for later!"

Returning to the hotel, the hotel lobby manager was discreet with Ye Long, as such a serious incident had occurred. Since the customer is always right, the hotel, to express their apology, changed Ye Long's room and also waived his room fee!

Of course, Ye Long didn't care much about this; in fact, he was somewhat pleased. If this incident hadn't happened, how would he have encountered such a superb police flower?

The task that his old master had arranged for him to do in Ninghai City initially annoyed him, but now he felt quite comfortable about it. Making his way into Hua Du alone, it was the perfect chance to experience the urban life in this wonderful era!

Returning to his room, Ye Long lay on the bed and took out the photo his old master had given him before leaving.

Looking at the woman in the photo with her coffee-colored, wavy hair and sophisticated, mature face, the photo alone filled her with a mature woman's charming aura!

What would happen if he met her in person?

As he examined the photo, Ye Long was puzzled, "What's the connection between this woman and that old guy, my master? Why would he want me to protect an ordinary KTV owner? I'm so curious!"

The woman was the owner of a KTV. To say there was something special about her might be an overstatement; she was simply extraordinarily beautiful, a real knockout!

But for his master to ask him to protect her, there must be some extraordinary connection between them. Could she be someone the old man was keeping on the side?"

After a while, Ye Long couldn't come up with a reason, and he could never guess what his old master was thinking!

"Never mind, I'll get the chance to call that old man and ask. Anyway, the owner lady is a total beauty, I won't be losing out on anything!"

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