Chapter 8 Willing to Follow_1

"This young man, my status in Ninghai City's underworld isn't bad, and now that things are clear, I don't want to make things difficult for you. I'll waive the fees for your time here, but you must pay for the medical expenses since you've injured someone!"

Mei looked at the young man, without anger, still with a pleasant demeanor, she indeed was a woman who could hold her own in tough situations.

"Heh, what a joke, aren't you just a pawn by Ghost Qi's side? Pretending to be a big shot in front of me?" the young man laughed derisively as he spread his hands.

Whether it's a KTV, bar, or nightclub, operating such entertainment venues requires not just money but also status and influence, and a backer. Otherwise, establishments like these would face troublemakers every single day!

Ghost Qi, mentioned by the young man, was the backer behind Mei, put simply, he provided protection for this KTV. With the support of a big player in the underground society, small-time hooligans wouldn't dare to cause trouble here!

"Do you dare to repeat what you just said?" Mei said with barely disguised displeasure.

"What's the matter, you've gone deaf too? I said you..."


A crisp sound of a slap!

Mei didn't hesitate, her slap landed squarely on the young man's face!

"You bitch, who do you think you are to hit me!" The young man clutched his face, furious. Being slapped, and by a woman no less, was an incredibly humiliating experience for him.


Mei slapped him again, then continued, "I was talking to you nicely as a favor, but if you're going to be ungrateful, then don't blame me!"

The young man, his face burning, waved his hand angrily, "Guys, get him. Today, I must teach this bitch a lesson!"

As he spoke, the young man's hand reached out to grab Mei!

Ye Long saw this as a perfect opportunity. If he could show off his skills and help Mei settle this, staying here to work would be no issue. He couldn't let Mei's few henchmen steal the limelight!

Just as the young man extended his hand to hit Mei, Ye Long stepped forward quickly, grabbing the young man's wrist.

"MF, who the hell are you, get the hell out!" The young man glared at Ye Tian, trying to shake off Ye Long's grasp, but failed.

"I think the one who should get lost is you!" Ye Long sneered with contempt before kicking the young man in the stomach, sending him rolling to the ground.

"MF, daring to lay hands on me, brothers, show him what we're made of!" The young man shouted from the ground, motioning with his hand.

Seeing this, a few young men rushed towards Ye Long with bared teeth and claws!

Ye Long scoffed with cold laughter; these few small fish and shrimps dared to confront him?

In the blink of an eye, with three punches and two kicks, the young men who rushed up were promptly laid out on the ground by Ye Long!

"I'll fight you to the end!" The young man on the ground, seeing his men were no match for Ye Long, furiously pulled out a dagger and stabbed at Ye Long.

Ye Long easily dodged with a sidestep and grabbed the young man's wrist in the process.


A painful scream followed.

Ye Long, grinning, yanked down on the young man's arm, dislocating his shoulder!


After breaking the young man's arm, Ye Long pushed it back into place, relocating it.

The young man thought Ye Long would just let it go after that, but to his surprise, Ye Long grinned and snapped his arm again, then reconnected it as if he was having fun!

Just like that, breaking and reconnecting, breaking and reconnecting; the young man's arm kept making "crack, crack" sounds, and the pain was so excruciating that he wished he could just end it all, his heart tearing apart in agony!

"Hehe, feels good, doesn't it?" Ye Long said with a grin after he stopped.

The young man's throat bobbed, and although he was filled with resentment, he didn't dare say a word. He definitely did not want to experience that sensation again!

"If you don't want to continue, then get the hell out of here!" Ye Long said with a dismissive wave.

Clutching his arm, the young man then said, "Brothers, let's go!"

"Hey, wait a second!" Just as the group of young men took a step to leave, Ye Long stopped them.

"What else do you want?" The young man looked at Ye Long and said.

"I told you to scram, not to walk away. Got it?" Ye Long said with a cheerful laugh.

"You..." The young man glared at Ye Long with rising anger.

"Not convinced? If you're not, that can be arranged. I can make you convinced!" Ye Long spread his hands and sneered.

The young man glared at Ye Long for a moment, and after grinding his teeth, he lay down on the corridor floor and started rolling toward the staircase!

Mei didn't stop the young men from rolling away because she understood that things were not as simple as they seemed!

These young men clearly came here looking for trouble. Ordinary hoodlums wouldn't dare to cause a commotion here, for this is Ghost Qi's territory, and everyone in the underworld knew it was under the protection of Seventh Brother!

The brazenness of these young men suggested someone was backing them!

As to who sent them, Mei had a clear idea—it was like looking into a mirror. In Ninghai City East District, there were two major forces!

One was Ghost Qi, so these men must have been sent by the other major force. This issue was likely not going to be resolved so easily!

"Xiao Lan, take these brothers to the hospital for a checkup!" Mei instructed the pretty girl named Xiao Lan, then turned to Ye Long. His sudden action had indeed surprised her, "Thanks for your help just now!"

"Hehe, don't mention it. Playing the hero to save a beauty is my duty!" Ye Long said, not modest in the slightest.

"I'm Qin Mei, everyone calls me Mei. What's your name, sir?" Mei looked at Ye Long with a smile. She found this ordinary-looking young man, who seemed like a country boy coming to the city to work, quite interesting, especially since he seemed to have some impressive skills.

Of course, Mei's name wasn't related to her age; it was because of her seasoned experience in society. She was actually only 24!

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ye Long!" Ye Long reached out to introduce himself.

Mei smiled and shook Ye Long's hand!

Of course, as they shook hands, Ye Long subtly felt Mei's soft hand, its delicate skin smooth and radiant, as comfortable as one might imagine!

"If I'm not mistaken, this is your first time in Ninghai City, right?" Mei was curious about this ordinary-looking young man for some reason and wanted to learn more about him.

"Hehe, you've got quite an eye, Mei. This is indeed my first time in Ninghai City, how did you know?" Ye Long asked with a lopsided grin.

"Hehe, actually it's quite simple. First, any smart person wouldn't get involved in this kind of thing, and second, you've offended no ordinary person. Anyone who's spent time in Ninghai City East District would know that!" Mei said with a smile.

This smile was absolutely breathtaking, especially the dimples on her cheeks—they were like a fine wine, making you can't help but want to take a little sip.

"Oh, is that so? Then, Mei, do you know why I intervened?" Ye Long asked with a playful grin.

"Because I'm a beauty?" Mei said with a laugh.