Chapter 16 You are a Man_1

Lin Zihan finished speaking, then immediately got up and ran outside!

"Fuck, what's going on?" Ye Long was stunned, then hurriedly followed her outside.

Soon, Ye Long followed Lin Zihan upstairs!

Upon reaching upstairs, there was another round of "crash bang" sounds of things being thrown, accompanied by bursts of scolding and cursing!

"You bitch, get the money out for me now!" a gruff male voice shouted from inside.

Right after that, there was a "slap" sound of a slap!

And then the crying of Lin's mother followed!

Without hesitation, Lin Zihan opened the door and rushed into the room, with Ye Long following her in!

The living room was in shambles. Lin's mother, with her hair disheveled, was crying on the floor, while in front of her stood a middle-aged man with his hands on his waist, looking furious!

From this middle-aged man emanated a strong smell of alcohol; clearly, this guy had drunk quite a bit!

"I'm asking you one more time, are you going to give the money or not?" the middle-aged man pointed at Lin's mother on the floor and demanded.

"Lin Yonghai, don't think you can get a single cent from me, you're no longer part of this family!" Lin's mother pointed at the middle-aged man and said.

Lin Yonghai is also Lin Zihan's father, Lin's mother's husband!

"Mom, mom, are you okay?" Lin Zihan rushed forward and helped Lin's mother up from the ground.

Lin Yonghai pointed at Lin's mother and viciously said, "You damn wife, are you going to give the money or not?"

"No!" Lin's mother said firmly.

"You damn wife, it seems I can't let you off without a lesson today, let's see how I deal with you!" Lin Yonghai, somewhat frantic, rolled up his sleeves and then walked toward Lin's mother.

Lin Zihan was beside Lin's mother, and when she saw Lin Yonghai coming, she immediately blocked him!

"Dad, what are you doing? Isn't the money you took from home enough? All you know is to gamble, don't you understand that gambling is a bottomless pit?" Lin Zihan looked at Lin Yonghai and said.

Who would have known that Lin Yonghai would completely ignore Lin Zihan's words and with a shove, he pushed Lin Zihan onto the ground, then lunged at Lin's mother!

"You damn old woman, let me teach you a good lesson!" Lin Yonghai shouted and then a big slap headed toward Lin's mother.

But the slap was stopped mid-air!

Ye Long grabbed Lin Yonghai's wrist with a smile, "What skill is there in fighting a woman? Come, fight me!"

Lin Yonghai took a look at Ye Long, then cursed, "Who the fuck do you think you are, get the hell out..."


Lin Yonghai screamed, before he could finish speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Ye Long!

Lin Yonghai, lying on the ground, touched his abdomen, then angrily got up from the ground, "Alright, you damn wife, how dare you find another man behind my back, and even have your lover attack me, I'll fight you to the death!"

Swearing, Lin Yonghai lunged at Ye Long!

Ye Long certainly didn't hold back; he grabbed Lin Yonghai's wrist and, like throwing a stone, he flung him straight out the door!


Lin Yonghai's body smashed hard against the wall, then fell heavily to the ground!

Lin Yonghai, lying on the ground, was not only in pain, but he was also grinning and grimacing!

Ye Long stood at the door, glanced at Lin Yonghai, "In the future, it's best if I don't see you, or I will beat you every time I do!"

Having said that, Ye Long closed the door and returned to the living room!

Lin Zihan had helped Lin's mother to the sofa after picking herself up from the ground!

Lin's mother's face was also swollen, the old man Lin Yonghai had hit her hard!

"Xiao Ye, I'm really sorry, making you see such a farce," Lin's mother said with some embarrassment.

Ye Long waved his hand, "It's nothing, don't worry about it!"

Lin Zihan stood up to pour a glass of water for Ye Long, and then said, "Long, thanks for what you did just now!"

"No need to be polite, it was just a small effort, but what's with that old man?" Ye Long asked.

Lin Zihan was filled with anger as he spoke, "He's my father, all he knows is gambling, he gambled away all the money in the house. Later, my mom divorced him, thinking we could get away from him after the divorce. But who knew, he still keeps coming back every two or three days to ask my mom for money, and if she doesn't give it to him, he hits her. This wasn't the first or second time!"

"Xiao Ye, you hit him, he definitely won't let you off, you should find somewhere to hide for now!" Lin's mother also said worriedly.

Ye Long laughed, "It's okay, it'd be best if he came, I'll give him a good beating and make sure he doesn't dare to bother you and your mother anymore!"

"Long, my dad knows some people from the underworld in the gambling dens, you should really hide, those people are even less reasonable. You hit him, and knowing his temper, he's sure to hire someone to take care of you!" Lin Zihan also tried to persuade him.

"Don't worry, they're just a bunch of punks, it's nothing serious!" Ye Long said dismissively.

Although Ye Long didn't seem to care at all, Lin Zihan and Lin's mother didn't think so, they couldn't let their family issues involve someone else!

But after trying to persuade Ye Long for more than ten minutes, it was still no use!

Just then, a loud knocking sounded at the door!

Then, Lin Yonghai's cursing could be heard, "You dog couple, open the door, let me see how I'll deal with you!"

Lin Zihan and Lin's mother were somewhat panicked, and then looked at Ye Long, "Ye Long, why don't you go hide in the back room first, they're all a bunch of fighters who don't care for their lives!"

Ye Long waved his hand and smiled, "Don't worry Lin's mother, dealing with them is a piece of cake for me!"

"Ah?" Lin's mother was stunned, clearly finding it hard to believe. Although Ye Long looked sturdy, he couldn't handle seven or eight people at once, could he? As the saying goes, even two fists have a hard time beating four hands.

"Just watch!" Ye Long smiled and then walked towards the door; the knocking and banging from outside continued.

After Ye Long got there, he opened the door to find seven or eight tattooed brutes, each holding a cigarette, standing outside!

As soon as Lin Yonghai saw the door open, he charged towards Ye Long!

Ye Long acted swiftly, a kick landing squarely on Lin Yonghai's abdomen!

"Ouch!" Lin Yonghai screamed in pain, lucky enough to be supported by several burly men behind him, otherwise, he would have been kicked to the ground again.

"Curly, it's this kid, make sure you give him a good beating!" Lin Yonghai, enduring the pain in his abdomen, told a burly man standing at the front.

This burly man had a tuft of curly hair dyed yellow, looking like foxtails, giving him a very distinctive look!

Ye Long looked at Liu Yonghai and chuckled, "You really are shameless, aren't you? You're old enough to be his dad, aren't you? Yet you're still shamelessly calling someone else 'bro'?"

Curly glanced at Ye Long, exuding a boss-like demeanor as he blew out a puff of smoke, "So it was you who beat up Liu Yonghai?"

"Yeah, that's right, it was me. So what?" Ye Long said fearlessly, looking straight at Curly.

"Wow, kid, you've got quite the attitude. Whose turf you from?" Curly squinted his eyes and patted Ye Long's shoulder.

Ye Long looked at Curly, then pressed Curly's hand on his own shoulder and twisted it along!


Curly's wrist was immediately broken by Ye Long, then a kick sent Curly tumbling to the ground!

"Forgot to tell you? There's a price for slapping my shoulder!" Ye Long said with a cold laugh.