Chapter 64: Draw me to Death?_1

Ye Long had felt some displeasure the moment he laid eyes on this sleazy character!

Ever since Lin Zihan had entered the private room, the guy had been ogling her with lecherous eyes, as if he wanted to devour her whole!

Thus, from the moment he entered the room, Ye Long had a pretty bad impression of the guy. Damn it, how dare he look at his future wife that way?

Fortunately, he had accompanied Lin Zihan today. Had he not been with her, who knows what this guy might have attempted!

Ye Long had originally wanted to step forward and teach this dishonest fellow a lesson, but then he thought if he did so, Lin Zihan's project would definitely fall through. Wouldn't that mess up her work?

So, Ye Long decided to endure it for now. If the guy dared to lay a hand on Lin Zihan, then Ye Long would give him a severe lesson!