Chapter 94 Various Lessons_1

Ye Long watched Skyhawk rise from the ground and couldn't help but smile. "Hehe, I didn't expect you to take a beating so well, but what does it matter? You couldn't beat me when you were uninjured, do you think you can beat me now that you're hurt?"

Skyhawk glared coldly at Ye Long, extremely angry at Ye Long's contempt and disdain!

Ye Long's words angered Skyhawk more than if he had beaten him!

What is the one thing people like Skyhawk cannot stand?

It isn't a beating, nor is it scolding. Is there any special agent that hasn't been shaped through beatings and scoldings?

What they really can't stand is the trampling of their dignity; even bad guys have their pride, after all, Skyhawk is also from a military background!

"Today, I'll let you experience how formidable I am, I'll teach you a lesson with military boxing!" Skyhawk's eyes were bloodshot with rage as he let out a furious growl, tore off his shirt, and revealed his well-defined muscles!