Chapter 96 Did I Get It Wrong_1

Skyhawk looked at Ye Long, feeling a pent-up frustration, but didn't dare to express his anger. He believed that if he said one more word, Ye Long would immediately raise the price by a hundred thousand!

Without a choice, since the situation was unfavorable for them, Skyhawk could only accept his loss!

"Fine, I'll give it to you!" Skyhawk nodded, addressing Ye Long.

Immediately after, Ye Long gave Mei's bank account number to Skyhawk, who then directly transferred five hundred thousand to Mei!

In just a few days, with the money from Du Jianguo and now the five hundred thousand from Skyhawk, Mei suddenly became a wealthy woman. She hadn't made this much money in all the years of running the KTV!

And Ye Long easily acquired over five million in total!

After Skyhawk had transferred the money to Mei, he led his battered group of special agents away in a sorry state!

Watching the departing agents, Mei also quietly breathed a sigh of relief!