Chapter 98 Steely Determination!_1


Facing the dagger plunged down by Black Butterfly, Ye Long still lay calmly on the bed with his eyes closed, not moving an inch!

When Black Butterfly's dagger was about to pierce Ye Long's chest, it suddenly stopped!

Black Butterfly just couldn't bring herself to do it!

Ye Long slowly opened his eyes, looked at Black Butterfly with a smile, and said, "Why didn't you do it?"

Black Butterfly looked at Ye Long and said coldly, "Last night, you saved my life. Today, I'm returning the favor. From now on, I'll never go easy on you again!"

Ye Long, hearing Black Butterfly's words, understood very well that she simply couldn't bring herself to harm him. The excuse of repaying her life debt was just that – an excuse, which proved that she still had feelings for him but just couldn't overcome her psychological barrier!

Black Butterfly put away the dagger, then got off the bed and dressed herself!