Chapter 100: The Clicking Sound_1

After leaving Guimei KTV, Mei drove Ye Long straight to Gui Laoqi's Bar!

On the way there, Ye Long's eyes weren't behaving at all, constantly sneaking peeks at Mei!

He focused salaciously on the area below Mei's neck, wishing he could take his eyeballs out and place them on her body!

Of course, Mei had long since gotten used to Ye Long's lecherous behavior, so she was no longer sensitive to it. As long as he didn't touch her, he could look however he wanted. Those who could control him were unable to tame his lustful heart!

The car arrived at the bar and stopped right in front of Gui Laoqi's Bar!

Then, under Mei's lead, she and Ye Long walked in together!

Before entering the bar, Mei also especially reminded Ye Long not to be so impulsive and to be more agreeable. After all, she still had to get by in Ninghai City's East District. It was better to avoid trouble where possible and resolve the matter smoothly!