Chapter 108: Receiving the Bounty_1

Song Minhao's smug expression had vanished, and he deliberately counted the number of zeroes after the three, one, two, three...nine—there were exactly nine zeroes!

Nine zeroes meant something that Song Minhao knew all too well—adding the three in front, that amounted to a whopping thirty billion!

My God, thirty billion!

Song Minhao swallowed hard, his amazement beyond the ordinary, and he couldn't accept that Ye Long possessed thirty billion!

Looking at Ye Long's attire of cheap street stall clothes, which altogether wouldn't even come to a hundred yuan, and then at the string of zeroes on his phone screen, it simply didn't add up. How could Ye Long possibly have so much money?

Absolutely impossible!

For no reason at all, Song Minhao refused to believe that Ye Long had thirty billion!

This was thirty billion, not thirty million. Even he probably didn't have that much—a mere ten billion at most!

Such a sum was utterly crushing!