Chapter 113: Always Act Decisively, Never Dawdle_1

After leaving the Dragon Charm KTV, Ye Long hailed a taxi and went straight to the villa where Fang Qing'er lived!

"Long, you're here!" Fang Qing'er had been waiting at the door for a while for Ye Long's arrival. Seeing Ye Long get out of the car, she excitedly greeted him.

After coming up close, Fang Qing'er looked at Ye Long and giggled, "Long, hurry up and show me the Martial Arts Manual!"

"Hey, so Beauty Qing'er is welcoming not me, but the Martial Arts Manual!" Ye Long looked at Fang Qing'er and said.

"Hehe, no, not really. What could be more important than Long? Hehe!" Fang Qing'er said playfully as she pulled on Ye Long's arm.

"That's more like it. Here, you have a lot of talent in this field. Take my Martial Arts Manual, and in a month, you'll probably be able to bully anyone you want in Ninghai City!" Ye Long handed over the Martial Arts Manual of the Piaomiao Step Technique that he had created to Fang Qing'er.