Chapter 129 Walking People Mode_1

At this moment, a stocky bald man in the private room slammed the table and rose from his seat!

Then, pointing at Ye Long, he cursed, "MD, I'm Wang Dahu. Who the hell are you, kid, and what do you want to do?"

Ye Long glanced at the standing Wang Dahu and sneered, "Beat you up first, then I'll tell you what I'm up to!"

Without another word, Ye Long flashed to Wang Dahu's side, grabbed his bald head, and knocked it against the table!

"Bang bang bang bang"

After several knocks, Wang Dahu's head broke open, blood gushing out!

At this moment, Wang Dahu was completely dazed.

In his heart, he couldn't help but think, "Who the hell is this guy? So fierce, attacking me without saying a word, shouldn't he at least give a reason?"

After a few knocks, Ye Long then dunked Wang Dahu's head into a bowl of soup!

With a scream, "Ah," Wang Dahu let out a miserable yell, and in no time, Ye Long had messed him up completely!