Chapter 140 Run Away_1

Upon Wang Dahu's command, a gang of burly men charged at Ye Long with a war cry, intent on hacking him to death!

Ye Long let out a cold laugh. Was he going to give them a chance?

Instantly, Ye Long sidestepped with lightning speed, rushing to meet the charging gang!

Dealing with such a disorderly mob, Ye Long naturally chose the quickest way to settle the matter!

Ye Long's figure wove through the crowd like an illusion, and wherever he went, screams of agony followed!

In the blink of an eye, the once ferocious strongmen were toyed with by Ye Long; one by one, they fell to the ground, all rendered unable to fight!

Ye Long grinned, then clapped his hands. Having dealt with the gang, Ye Long's gaze turned directly to Wang Dahu!

By this time, Wang Dahu felt a faint sense of despair. He had never imagined his own men would be so easily defeated by Ye Long!

What the heck?

Did this crowd of people really mean nothing in front of this guy?