Chapter 145: Brother Doesn't Have That Ability?_1

At that moment, Leng Feifei timely and accurately raised her hand to slap Ye Long's hand away, asking, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Er... Hey, not doing anything!" Ye Long grinned awkwardly and said with a laugh.

"Behave yourself, keep it honest; if not, big sis here might just chop off your trotter and boil it for dinner!" Leng Feifei rolled her eyes at Ye Long, knowing full well he was up to no good.

"Damn, such a fierce cop!" Ye Long muttered with a twist of his mouth.

"Getting back to business, what's your take on Ghost Qi meeting with Red Rose at the suburban leisure club?" Leng Feifei switched topics and asked. This matter was what truly concerned Leng Feifei.

Ye Long spread his hands nonchalantly and said, "What's there to think about it? It's obvious they're plotting something. Just track Ghost Qi when they meet, follow the trail, and neither of them will escape. Actually, it's pretty simple, so don't complicate things!"