Chapter 150 Naturally, it's fine_1

Mei leaned on Ye Long's shoulder as quietly as a demure lady!

She seemed really tired, very tired!

And Ye Long wanted to comfort Mei, so he slowly reached out his hand, planning to take the chance to hold her tight and let her feel his warmth!

Such a perfect opportunity to get close was rare, and Ye Long naturally wanted to cherish it!

Missing this chance, he didn't know when another like it would come!

"Little Bad Egg, don't move, let me lean silently for a while!"

Just as Ye Long was about to wrap his arms around Mei, she spoke with her eyes closed.

"Uh... darn!" Ye Long felt a wave of frustration in his heart.

But this was also good. Allowing Mei to rest on his shoulder and feel the warmth he offered was not a bad thing either!

So there they were, Ye Long sitting on the couch, Mei quietly leaning on his shoulder!

Such a rare silence!

Ye Long didn't do anything to disturb Mei!

After a while, Mei fell asleep on Ye Long's shoulder!