Chapter 171: The Arrival of the Police Flower Sister_1

After getting out of the car, the tall woman naturally wrapped her arm around the man's. Standing side by side, they looked quite mismatched, as the tall woman was a whole head taller than the short man!

Ye Long glanced at them and couldn't help shaking his head. What a waste—a beauty like that with a pig. With his nasty demeanor, how could he get a woman like her?

I wonder if they match in stature when they're doing it?

"Er Hu really did show up!" Mei said, looking at the short man ahead.

"Damn, this guy is Er Hu?" Ye Long felt a pang of annoyance upon hearing this. His name sounded grand, but the man himself seemed far too puny.

Er Hu took out a cigar as thick as a thumb, casually put it in his mouth, and then a lackey beside him quickly lit it. The display was full of style!