Chapter 169 Hey, what do you want?_1

The next morning, Ye Long was still in his dreams when the phone's shrill ring woke him up!

Ye Long rubbed his eyes and answered the call with a groan, "Damn it… Xiao Lan Meizi, what's up with calling so early in the morning?"

"The Longmei Bar is opening today, and you still feel like sleeping in? Mei has arranged for you to hurry over to the Longmei Bar and help tidy up the place. The guests are about to arrive!" Xiao Mei urged on the phone.

"Crap, I haven't even fully woken up yet. Can't you guys manage without me?" Ye Long said irritably, wanting to sleep just a bit longer.

"Can't manage. If you don't want to be skinned by Mei, then hurry up!" Xiao Mei said over the phone before hanging up.

Ye Long tossed his phone aside and reluctantly sat up from bed. After getting dressed, he skipped breakfast and went downstairs to hail a taxi to the Longmei Bar.

Ever since he visited the Longmei Bar during its renovation, Ye Long hadn't set foot in it again!