Chapter 174: One Word, Flattened!_1

Lin Zihan was, after all, a frail young girl, how could she have the strength of Wang Dafu, a corpulent man?

Moreover, Song Dafu, now blinded by desire, was hell-bent on forcing himself on her, intent on possessing Lin Zihan's body!

Perhaps after this violent conquest, Lin Zihan would eventually be at his mercy!

Because Song Dafu had a similar experience a long time ago with a beautiful female employee!

No matter how discreetly or overtly Song Dafu hinted, that beautiful employee just wouldn't consent!

In the end, Song Dafu had forced himself on the employee, then gave her a large sum of money, and from then on, the woman became Wang Dafu's mistress, and he kept her for a while!

So Song Dafu wanted to repeat his past strategy, to overpower and break through a woman's resistance, so that he could do whatever he pleased with her in the future. Song Dafu believed that women were all about money; there was nothing that couldn't be done without it!