Chapter 193: Is West City District So Great?_1

After the massage girl left, Ye Long lay on the bed alone, puffing on a cigarette.

Not long after, the door to the room was opened again!

The same waiter who had brought Ye Long over walked in, with the massage girl from earlier following behind him; it seemed she had told the waiter about a problem with Ye Long.

Once the waiter came in, he glanced at Ye Long and said, "Sir, your total consumption this time is eighteen thousand and eight hundred yuan."

"Holy shit... A bath, then a little massage, and it costs this much? That's a damn rip-off!" Ye Long inwardly cursed upon hearing the waiter's price, but it didn't matter, because Ye Long never intended to pay anyway.

"That's all? Not much!" Ye Long, lying on the bed, slowly blew a ring of smoke and said to the waiter with a smile.

"So, sir, will you be paying with a card or cash?" the waiter asked Ye Long.

"Hey, neither by card nor by cash!" Ye Long said with a laugh.