Chapter 196: Do It All or Not at All_1

Immediately, Fang Mingtian and Yin Guzi both ascended the stairs together!

At this moment, Ye Long had already begun to apply needles on Old Master Fang's bed!

Old Master Fang's condition was very poor now, and applying needles was the only option. If anything went wrong, Old Master Fang would pass away on the spot, and even Ye Long didn't have complete confidence in saving him!

After Fang Mingtian and Yin Guzi arrived in the upstairs room, Fang Mingtian glanced at Ye Long and then turned to Fang Qinghan, saying, "Qinghan, no offense, but this kid probably used some trick to cure the old man last time, but his condition has worsened again so quickly. You still dare to let him treat the old man? Do you wish to kill the old master?"

Fang Qinghan looked at Fang Mingtian with a cold tone, "I am well aware of what kind of person Ye Long is. Uncle Fang, there's no need for you to worry so much, I know what I'm doing!"