Chapter 200: Discovered! _1

When Ye Long woke up in bed, he smelled an enchanting fragrance. Opening his eyes, he realized he was lying in a pink bed, and the air was filled with the scent of a woman!

Ye Long rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. It seemed like it was either Qing Han's or Qing'er's room but, given the pink decor and feminine touch, it probably belonged to Qing Han!

"Smells good!"

Ye Long greedily took another deep breath. A woman's room really is different; even the smell is feminine. Observing the neat arrangement of the room, it's true what they say, women do love cleanliness!

Glancing at the time, Ye Long smacked his head, "Crap, it's already past eleven o'clock!"

Could it be that he slept in Qing Han's house for a whole day and night until now?

However, having had a good rest, Ye Long felt very energized. He wandered around Qing Han's room and actually discovered some of Qing Han the Great Beauty's pretty clothes hanging on a rack!