Chapter 205: So I Hit You, What About It?_1

"This isn't something you should be asking about. The Security Association expects your police station to cooperate on this matter—there shouldn't be a problem with that, right? We have the authority, don't we?" Wang Zhen spoke with unwavering arrogance, displaying a sense of superiority.

As if Leng Feifei was his subordinate, he commanded her!

Though the Security Association wielded great power, it did not mean it was superior to the police system!

And what kind of temperament did Leng Feifei have?

When she was a junior officer, she had the guts to investigate her immediate superior, the station chief. Would she be intimidated by the threat of authority?

If it had been any other station chief, they would definitely try their best to please, then treat him to a lavish banquet at a luxurious hotel, but this was the Capital Safety Association, a direct subsidiary of Huaxia Country's important departments, tasked with national security—with tremendous power!