Chapter 225: Just Asking If You're Awesome_1

Ye Long turned his head while riding his Little Bumblebee and couldn't help but exclaim, "What's this fresh drama today? Someone dares to hit on the girl I'm with?"

Are they blind?

But upon closer inspection, Ye Long confirmed the person indeed was blind!

The young man with light yellow hair sitting inside the Ferrari looked somewhat familiar to Ye Long. Isn't he that bastard from the Fang Family?

Ye Long had seen him at Fang Qinghan's house; this kid is Fang Mingtian's son, seems like his name is Fang Zifeng, a real piece of work who needs to be put in his place!

The last time he went to collect money from Fang Qinghan's house, Ye Long gave him a good slap!

However, Fang Zifeng apparently didn't recognize Ye Long and had eyes only for Lin Zihan sitting in the backseat!

That gaze was so fixated, as if wanting to glue his eyes onto Lin Zihan!