Chapter 267 The Serious Summoning of the Police Flower Sister_1

Liu Erhu looked at Ye Long, his heart filled with frustration, but it seemed like he had no way to handle Ye Long!

Ye Long was simply more badass, tougher, and you couldn't beat him in a fight or outdo him in any way, so what grounds did you have to act tough?

If someone can beat you up, they are indeed more badass. If you can't beat them, then you can't act badass—it's a simple fact!

So even if Liu Erhu wanted to act tough inside, he just couldn't pull it off!

Of course, the reason he couldn't act tough was simple—he wasn't as badass as Ye Long!

"No matter what, I can't give you the bath center; it's my only asset!" Liu Erhu said to Ye Long. The bath center was something Liu Erhu had fought for with great effort, and the hardships involved were too many to count. How could he just easily hand it over to Ye Long?

Naturally, Liu Erhu was unwilling to easily surrender the fruit of years of hard work, giving it away with a bow. Who would be content with that?