Chapter 279 This World is So Crazy, Part 1

Ye Long had no intention of going easy on the assassins who tried to assassinate Mei. Dare to assassinate his future wife?

That's just asking for death!

Ye Long asks them questions, and they expect him to beg them for answers?

That's absolutely impossible!

Speak or don't speak. It's not Ye Long's life that's hanging by a thread now; it's theirs. If you don't speak, I'll simply take you out!

That's just how Ye Long is. If they don't want to live, does he have to plead with them to survive? He sure won't be going easy on them!

So, without exchanging many words with these two assassins, and without giving them even a chance to beg for mercy, he took them out directly!

Trying to act tough with him? That's just seeking death!

After taking out two assassins in succession, Ye Long then turned his gaze to another assassin, with so many more still around. He couldn't believe that with so many people, they all weren't afraid of death?