Chapter 298 How to Prove Yourself?_1

Fat Hua looked at Ye Long, indeed obedient, cracked a smile, and gave Ye Long a salute, "Yes, Long, just call on me if you need anything!"

"Alright, alright, let's go!" Ye Long said, waving his hand in impatience.

After getting rid of Fat Hua, Ye Long went back inside Fang Qing'er's dorm!

The moment Ye Long entered the dorm, Duo Duo and the other lovesick girls swarmed around, casting admiring glances his way!

"Long, you were so cool just now!"

"Yeah, totally killer!"

"Yeah, I've never seen such a handsome man!"

"So manly!"

The few beautiful dorm mates of Fang Qing'er surrounded Ye Long, showering him with praise, instantly elevating him to the coolest and most handsome man under the heavens!

Ye Long actually enjoyed it, being complimented by so many beauties; he really liked this feeling!

"Ahem, everyone, keep it down, keep it down, haha!" Ye Long coughed twice and said.