Chapter 302: Come here, brother will tell you_1

Duo Duo and her beautiful roommates seemed quite reluctant to part ways, as Ye Long had now become their idol, a natural feeling for young girls!

Duo Duo looked at Ye Long and said, "Handsome, if there's something important, maybe you can put it off and do it another day!"

Ye Long actually wanted to take a break, but with the urging tone of the policewoman, he felt he couldn't slow down. Angering her could be a serious matter!

"Ladies, how about this? It's getting dark now, so let's do it tomorrow. I'll invite Qing'er to celebrate with you girls. It'll be my treat, and we can do whatever you'd like!" Ye Long suggested to them.

"Okay, then it'll have to be that way!" Duo Duo and the other beautiful roommates agreed with some disappointment; reluctant, but without any other choice.

"Qing'er, I've got to take care of some things now!" Ye Long waved his hand as he spoke.

"Okay, Long, be careful on the road!" Fang Qing'er waved back.