Chapter 312: Do You Have a Way to Stop the Pain for Brother_1

Black Butterfly was tense and very worried; after all, Ye Long's chest was still bleeding profusely. How could she even consider if Ye Long had done it on purpose?

After all, this was a real injury!

And it was one he had sustained for her!

"Ye Long, I'm taking you to the hospital now, just hang in there!" Black Butterfly urgently said to Ye Long.

"No... it's not necessary!" Ye Long said weakly.

Immediately after, Ye Long's body went limp, and he unceremoniously collapsed onto Black Butterfly, his head burrowing directly into her embrace.

"So soft, so comfortable!" Ye Long, having collapsed onto Black Butterfly and feeling the softness against his head, was secretly thrilled, ecstatic beyond belief.

It had been such a long time since he had collapsed so close against Black Butterfly; it was nostalgic!

Oh, the bliss, such absolute bliss!

Ye Long was secretly delighted, thinking that the injury he had sustained was well worth it!