Chapter 321: Racing Thrills! _1

Ah Niu dared not hesitate and immediately sat upright, pressing the accelerator to keep speeding up!

If he lost, he would truly be left without even his underwear!

However, Ah Niu found that his acceleration seemed to be of no use at all. Ye Long, driving the car behind him, had an unstoppable momentum and was getting closer and closer!

Ah Niu was extremely anxious. What could he do now?

Ye Long's car was about to catch up!

Ah Niu could only stomp on the accelerator and rush forward desperately!

After a burst of acceleration, Ye Long's car was already trailing behind Ah Niu's!

Ah Niu was getting panicky; if things continued in this vein, Ye Long could easily overtake him!

If he lost, all his race cars here would belong to them. Although his cars were not valuable, altogether they were worth at least ten million!

Therefore, no matter what, Ah Niu kept telling himself that he absolutely could not lose!

Absolutely could not lose!