Chapter 331: If You Don't Accept It, Just Fight!_1

Ye Long slapped Chen Liang repeatedly, leaving his mouth full of fresh blood!

"Hey, still tough, huh? If you're still tough, bro can keep slapping you until your mouth turns soft. Bro has all the time in the world!" Ye Long said with a grin, looking at Chen Liang.

Dealing with this kind of person required simple and brutal methods. Talk about evidence to this kind of person?

Talk about fucking evidence!

You've got to fight fire with fire!

"I'll talk, I'll talk!" Chen Liang could no longer endure the pain of Ye Long slapping his mouth and surrendered.

Even if Chen Liang didn't want to speak inwardly, there was no other option. Such pain was unbearable; he had to speak out regardless!

"Come on, kneel down and talk to bro!" Ye Long smiled, then let go of Chen Liang and sat back down on the couch.

After releasing Chen Liang, Chen Liang collapsed to the ground, saying, "It's true that I framed Lin Xiaodong!"