Chapter 329 It's Just That Simple and Brute Force_1

Ye Long stood at the door with a grin, looking at Chen Liang and a girl in front of him, and couldn't help but clap his hands!

"Brilliant, truly brilliant. Go on, you two, keep going, I haven't had the pleasure yet," Ye Long gestured with an outstretched hand.

The office door was suddenly kicked open, and there stood a person at the doorway, an unforeseen occurrence for Chen Liang!

Who wouldn't be enraged by such an intrusion?

With an ashen face, Chen Liang glared at Ye Long, while hurriedly putting on his clothes. Likewise, the girl beside him also began dressing, only her outfit was particular; it was a school uniform!

Heh, in such a situation, explanations are hardly necessary—it's all quite clear!

Engaging in such acts, it truly is a disgrace to the title of 'people's teacher', and even more at a top-tier university!

"Who are you?" Chen Liang demanded, having dressed himself, his eyes seeming to spew flames of rage at Ye Long.