Chapter 336: Come to My House_1

Ye Long looked at Black Butterfly, feeling utterly frustrated. He couldn't speak, so what else could he say?

There really were reasons to explain, but he couldn't explain them!

"Butterfly, I will naturally tell you when the time comes. No matter what you think now, it's not convenient for me to disclose the reason!" Ye Long said lightly.

Black Butterfly glanced at Ye Long and said, "I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation when the time comes, but until you clarify things with me, I won't have any relationship with you!"

Ye Long curled his lip and shrugged, saying, "Got it, am I not obliging enough for you?"

Ye Long was still quite downcast. It seemed he needed to speak with his master, the old man, as soon as possible, to clear things up with Black Butterfly. Only by making her understand could he conquer Black Butterfly both physically and emotionally!