Chapter 342: Strike Together_1

Fei Fei felt the urge to slaughter this guy upon hearing Ye Long's words!

"You sleazy jerk, dare to say that again, I dare you!" Leng Feifei glared at Ye Long, her chest trembling with frustration.

"Holy smokes..." Ye Long's eyes dazzled as he looked at Leng Feifei's chest, wondering if it needed to quiver quite so dramatically?

It wasn't because Ye Long was a lecher deliberately staring at Leng Feifei's chest, but rather that her chest truly had an allure that captivated his gaze!

And Leng Feifei was wearing a police uniform, which might have been a tad small, perfectly outlining her figure!

Ye Long still vividly remembered the first time he saw Leng Feifei, dubbing the lady cop as 'fatal weapon quality' on their first encounter, with her front being the most memorable trait.

Hard to imagine, a Huaxia woman possessing such a figure, and all-natural at that!

The moniker hung over Leng Feifei's head without any exaggeration!

'Fatal weapon quality,' and rightfully so!