Chapter 374 Master Contest - Part 1

Ye Long looked at Murong Longcheng with a smile and said, "Old man, not bad, I indeed am Ye Long!"

Murong Chong, hearing Ye Long say this, pointed at Ye Long with displeasure and said, "MD, you dare call my grandfather old man? You looking to die, huh?"

Murong Longcheng glanced at Murong Chong and said, "Xiao Chong, from now on, without my permission, you're not allowed to speak, got it?"

"Grandpa, why waste words with him? Just wipe him out, I think with our strength, taking him down is as simple as shooing away ants!" Murong Chong said, somewhat annoyed and bewildered.

"Xiao Chong, did you not hear me clearly? No talking!" Murong Longcheng said with increased emphasis.

With indignation, Murong Chong threw a punch into the air and then backed off to sulk by himself—after all, in the current situation, he had no say!