CH. 20 - The Eval Tournament Begins!

One of the teachers wears a big winter coat despite it being a bright sunny day out while the other staff member wears a long white coat and glasses.

Wither "Hello! Welcome students! I was told you were an impressive class but I gotta say, I set my expectations too low! You lot look like you have quite a lot of potential! I can't wait to see just how far you'll go in my Reigndome!"

He says with an enthusiastic tone.

Wither "I trust your professors have got you properly prepared for the upcoming trial?"

Octavia "That's one way to put it."

She says with an attitude.

Wither "Perfect! Geto? I take it the dome is prepared for the tournament?"

Geto "Of course. It is operating at peak efficiency and is prepared for any and all possible outcomes."

Saika sweats a bit.

Saika "They're talking about this place like it's alive or something…"

He whispers, leaning to Tadashi.

Wither "That's because it is."

They are surprised he heard them as he smiles widely at them.

Wither "My Reigndome is state of the art. Created with a multitude of environments that adapt to the things happening inside of it, it serves at the perfect training ground for everyone! I can't have my baby being misunderstood now."

He says with a confident smile as the class looks in awe.

Wither "Upon entering the main gate here, you will be escorted by my team to your own platforms where you will await further instructions. Then the real fun begins!"

He turns around as the main doors open.

Wither "Now come along! I welcome you to my Reigndome!"

He says, marching inside as the class follows him inside. They walk through a dimly lit path with tall metal walls surrounding them. As they walk, they come across a door with a number 14 above it and a staff member waiting.

Staff "Ivailia Myfel. Please report."

She says as the class looks surprised but Ivailia does as she's told. The door opens as the staff member leads her inside.

Alston "Yeah, that's not creepy at all."

Wither "Come on."

He says with a smile as they continue to the next door with an 8 above it.

Staff "Saika Martinez. Please report."

Saika gets a scared look as Phoenix rubs his back a bit.

Phoenix "Don't worry, it'll be okay. See you inside?"

Saika relaxes a little and nods.

Saika "See you inside."

He says with a weak smile as he enters the room. As they continue to walk, one by one, the class is called forward to enter the room with a random number between 1 and 20 above the doors. 

Staff "Tadashi Gin. Please report."

Tadashi grabs Killian's hand tightly before they pull in for a quick hug as Wolf gives him a thumbs up.

Staff "Yoko Tatsuo. Please report."

Yoko "Yeah! Let's go! I'm totally gonna kick some-"

They shout, rushing into the room before it closes behind them.

Phoenix "I wish I had that kind of confidence."

She says with a slightly nervous smile. Wolf smiles softly before taking her hand and leading her through the dark hall behind Wither. 

Killian "They really know how to build up the anticipation, don't they?"

He asks with a smile while taking Phoenix's other hand. Eventually, even they are separated into their own rooms until Wolf is all that's left.

Wither "And finally, you, Ms. Anderson. Platform 4."

He stops and lifts his hand to the door. Wolf looks at it with a confused look, noticing its different size and shape from the others.

Wolf "Why is it bigger?"

She asks.

Wither "Well, I was informed that during Teach's demonstration, you completely destroyed the wall you all were testing on. So he as well as I may or may not have decided to give you a special task today."

Wolf looks a bit concerned, more for the effort she'll need to put in than anything else.

Wolf "What does that mean?.."

Wither "Oh, you'll see. Now get in there!"

He kicks her in the butt causing her to stumble into the room before the door shuts behind her. She rubs her butt as she pouts a bit.

Wolf "What's with these people? I'm not anything special yet they're acting as if I am or something."

She thinks back to the day before.

Nobody "Anderson. A word please."

She stops and looks at him surprised but does as she's told. The rest of the class leaves as she looks at Nobody.

Wolf "Did I do something wrong? Cause if I did, just blame Jigoku and his big ass head."

Nobody "No, no trouble. Just curiosity."

She looks surprised as he continues.

Nobody "Earlier as I was explaining the system here at the academy, you seemed disinterested at best. Why is that?"

Wolf realizes she wasn't paying the closest attention because the topic wasn't interesting to her.

Wolf "Yeah.. sorry about that. I tend not to pay much attention to things that are boring."

She says while rubbing the back of her head. Nobody's eyes widen just a bit at her response.

Nobody "Boring? How so? Are you not interested in becoming an agent of the ASA?"

Wolf thinks for a moment with a pressed look.

Wolf "Well… it's not that exactly…"

Nobody doesn't speak and only listens.

Wolf "I just… I'm only here to gain the strength to protect the people I love. I don't really care about the rest."

Nobody sits in silence for a moment before nodding softly.

Nobody "Okay."

Wolf looks surprised.

Wolf "Okay? You're not gonna reprimand me for not paying attention or something?"

Nobody "Nope!"

He stands up.

Nobody "I just wanted to be sure."

Wolf "Sure about what..?"

Nobody smirks at her.

Nobody "Go on. Don't keep Nazuna waiting or I'll bop you one."

Wolf is confused but does as she's told and leaves the classroom without another word.

Wolf thinks about his words yesterday.

Wolf "I didn't do anything special… Why was he acting like that?"

As she speaks, a voice rings out from speakers in the roofs above the students.

Wither "Hello? Hellooo? Oh, it's on. Okay, hi, welcome new students to my Reigndome! I hope yall are ready for the test of your lives!"

Tadashi looks up as he listens, thinking of his professor's words yesterday.

Tadashi "Professor, what exactly does the Eval Tournament require of us?"

Nobody "Good question. It's simple really. Fight and defeat killer robots."

Class "Killer robots?!"

They shout in shock. 

He smirks as he sweats a bit in the room.

Tadashi "Guess there's no holding back anymore."

Saika stretches in the room as a cat would before shaking it out a bit.

Saika "Okay, just gotta give it my all, nothing else I can do!"

He thinks back to yesterday.

Saika "We're fighting in a dome? Like a big one? But what happens if we run into the others while they're fighting?"

Nobody "Hm, that's a tough one. I guess you can help each other if you want? Or just stay out of the way? Who knows?"

He shrugs as Saika sweats.

Saika "So helpful…"

In Phoenix's room, she looks nervous as she rolls her wrist a bit, cracking it a bit as she exhales. 

Phoenix "Okay, this is the real deal. No more mistakes. I have to make this count!"

She thinks back to class yesterday.

Phoenix "Professor, even if we get any kind of training beforehand, do you really think it's safe to put new students in such a dangerous situation? What if someone gets seriously hurt?"

Nobody "Well worrying hasn't ever been one of my strong suits. Want my advice for the Eval Tournament?"

Phoenix "Yes, anything would be good."

Nobody "I'd say, probably best if you all just tried not to die."

He says genuinely as she looks completely lost for words.

In her room, she looks up and smiles a nervous, anxious smile.

Phoenix "This place is actually crazy.."

Outside, on an observation deck, Professor Nobody leans against the railing as Nazuna steps next to him with a sharp smile on her face.

Nazuna "Professor."

Nobody "Nazuna."

Nazuna "I take it you gave our new students the proper amount of education for the tournament?"

Nobody "Of course. Only the finest of lessons."

Nazuna "And you made sure to stress how light of a test this is right? So they don't freak out about it and can stay calm?"

Nobody "Oh no, I told them they could totally fail."

Nazuna "You did what??"

She shouts, jumping back, shocked. 

Teach "I really wish you would be fired already.."

He says from behind them with a frustrated look. Nobody smirks at him.

Nobody "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Teach "Very much, yes."

Nazuna "Teach! Glad you made it!"

She says warmly while hugging him.

Teach "How could I miss my students' first real test?"

He says as they all stand against the railing, overlooking the large area before them.

Nobody "Hey Teach, how's your cart doing?"

Teach gets a vein on his head.

Teach "Very motor-less thanks to you!"

Nobody "I don't know what you're talking about."

He says smugly while looking away as Teach fumes. 

Nazuna "Boys, would you stop? We're here for the students, not your petty little prank war."

Teach "Prank war??"

Nobody "Petty??"

Teach "He started it! I don't even prank him back!"

Nazuna shakes her head as Teach composes himself a bit and Nobody pouts.

Nobody "I can't believe you think my pranks are petty…"

Nazuna "Teach, how do you think they're gonna do?"

Teach calms down and exhales a bit before looking out into the Reigndome.

Teach "I have high expectations for these students. Among them are some of the brightest we've seen in years. Not just that, but from the bits I've been able to see, they have extraordinary powers. Things I haven't even seen before."

Nazuna looks surprised and in awe of the students.

Nazuna "They must really be something if you're saying that."

Nobody watches them as they talk before his eyes wandering past them and to the group of 5 students standing down the deck, waiting as well. Nobody's eyes sharpen.

Nobody "Representatives."

Teach notices and looks at them.

Teach "Yes, Southpaw wanted me to bring them to observe. He said it would be good for them to critique the performance."

Nazuna "Where's Marcus? I don't see him."

Teach "Despite my best efforts, I could only find the five in class. Who knows where that boy is."

He says with a slightly frustrated tone. Nobody watches them.

Nobody "Give him the title of Strongest Student and of course he'd do whatever he wants. What a joke."

He looks away. Nazuna notices his distaste for the Representatives as Teach sighs a bit. In the control room of the Reigndome, Wither sits in a chair overlooking the small room as his staff work the computers and mechanisms running the complex.

Wither "One last check before the greenlight. Everything good?"

Staff 1 "Yes, power centers are outputting consistently and steadily."

Staff 2 "All androids are prepared for drop with steady charge and intelligence interface."

Wither "Good. Then let's get this show on the road!"

He says with a smirk. Back over the speakers to the rooms.

Wither "Okay everyone! Prepare your butts because doors are about to open! Do your best and give it your all for the most accurate rating! Oh and number 6, watch out for the tentacles."

Killian stops tying his shoe as he looks up, shocked.

Killian "What? Tentacles? What?"

Wither "Okay let's do this!"

He cracks his fingers as a computer countdown begins from 5. Moshiro gives a sharp, determined look. 4. Cole adjusts his glasses. 3. Yoko punches their fists together with an excited smile. 2. Alston tightens her ponytails as she smirks, slight nervousness on her face. 1. Wolf takes a deep breath in.

Wolf 'This is it. No more weakness. No more losing control. I will get stronger. I will protect my friends!'

She thinks about her loss to the Stranger in the mall. She thinks about the time she lost control years ago and seeing Alston injured on the ground. She thinks about her friends smiling at her as she opens her eyes with a sharp look, her purple eyes glowing a bit.

Wolf "I am Wolf Anderson!"

She shouts as a loud buzzer sounds throughout the Reigndome and the large metal gates open up, everyone dashing out in the Eval Tournament.