59 - Solving Problems

When Liv finally calmed down and managed to let go of the hug, my mother asked me again.

"Noah, what did you do to earn so much money?" she asked worriedly.

Even though she knew I was making money from my artwork, she not only had no idea how much I was making, she had no idea how I managed to make more than $8,000 in one month.

My father, on the other hand, knew how much I earned from each drawing, and this made him even more confused because he could see from the calculations that even if I saved all the money from last month's drawings and drew every 7 days of the week, I would still have a maximum of $6,000.

So I explained: "Mom, you know I draw pictures to sell on the Internet, right?" I began to confirm.

She nodded because I'd said that before.

"I get $100 for every piece of art I make, and I usually make two pieces of art a day." I explained, leaving her shocked at how much money I made.