[Bonus Chapter] 84 - Mom's channel?!

As the evening wore on, I just continued my show, politely treating even the artists who tried to approach me with interest.

Why? Because Jason was recording and this could be good content for my next vlog.

My next vlog was only going to focus on the wedding scenes, but this weekend's recordings could be used for next week's vlog. The good thing about this would be that I would always have enough footage to have a video in advance, so if I didn't make it to a weekend show, I would still have enough content to keep the videos coming.

As my videos have grown well over the past week, my rank has also changed.

[BlackVelvet - 11,736 -> 7,376th Rank E]

I was getting closer and closer to Rank D, even though I was already performing among the Rank D artists in the bars, which didn't make me a real Rank D artist, but Selena was trying to get more benefits for me.