128 - The last of the night!

"Did you buy that motorcycle?" Selena asked curiously as she looked at my motorcycle parked next to my dad's car.

"Yep." I replied as I put my guitar in the trunk of her Tesla. "I bought it so I could go to school the day after tomorrow. I wanted to buy a car, but I didn't have enough money for the car I wanted."

Nodding her head, Selena said worriedly. "I understand, just be careful, motorcycles are much more dangerous than cars, a car accident will cost you money, a motorcycle accident could end your life..."

Seeing her genuine concern, I smiled and nodded. "I'm very careful, I know I'm not a good rider yet and as long as I stay that way, I'll ride as carefully as I can."

When she heard my answer, she was still a little suspicious, but she nodded.

She didn't know that I could literally see the number of my skill level and how good I was at it, so I couldn't blame her.