[Bonus Chapter] 131 - New Idea

Although All Of Me isn't the ideal song to play in bars or at lively concerts, playing it with the family or at weddings was the perfect place for it.

Not to mention, for my grandparents, who were from a completely different generation than me, a more romantic, classic song like All Of Me was right up their alley.

When I finished singing, the surprise on everyone's faces was palpable, second only to their surprise at how much weight I had lost.

After that, the atmosphere at the barbecue was much better.

My parents brought lots of drinks and meat for us to eat, and I learned how to barbecue from my uncle Carlos and John using a mixture of their techniques, which gave me another level in Cooking.

[Cooking Lv 25 -> 26]

This time, I was surprised to feel the knowledge of a level that gave me specialized knowledge in barbecue, even though I already had 25 levels in other cooking styles.