[Bonus Chapter] 176 - Good news!

[Hey Noah!] Laura greeted me with the animated voice she almost always used when talking to me.

"Hey Laura, what's up!" I replied with a smile that quickly spread across my face, infected by her excitement as well.

[I just watched your vlog, it was really cool! If you'd let me know that you were going to do a show and spread the word about the orphanage, I could come and help you, considering how much I've made from my part in the Duncan Family and how much you've been responsible for helping me with it, it would be nice to help others too...]. She said a little angrily that I hadn't called her.

"Haha, I decided this at the last minute, you haven't even seen the vlog I'm releasing next week, delivering a trailer full of presents to the kids." I laughed.

[Gosh, you have to warn me more about these things... I want to help too...] She complained.

"All right, next time I'll let you know so you can come and help, okay?" I asked.