Giuseppe’s list.

As I laid in my bed an annoying feeling came knocking on my head. A notion that I'm all to familiar with. I opened my eyes realize that last night I had failed to close the drapes of my window inviting an annoying friend too early in my day. 

I turned to my side and saw Wendy sleeping soundly next to me. I raised the sheets and saw her and a slight chuckle left me. I sighed and got out of bed. I stretched my body and yawned. I walked over to the window and looked out. 

I sighed and grabbed the drapes and closed them shut to let Wendy sleep peacefully. I walked out of my room and went to look for Stefan. I'm pretty sure that Zack was over there bitching to him about me. The nerve on him.

As I walked over to his room I could hear them speak, it was funny.

"Why is he here?"

"I don't know…"

"Uncle, this is a mistake, him… and you being here. He brought someone here last night."

"She'll be okay, I know him… he won't do anything bad… enough."

"You guys don't belong here."

I scoffed and walked in and said, "Oh, please the noble one tell us where do we belong?" Zack turned to face me and I smiled.

"Tommy." Stefan looked at me and crossed his arms. 

I smiled and said, "I'm sorry to cut our dinner short last night... I hope I didn't made a bad impression on your friends specially her. You walked her home?"

Stefan shook her head and said, "No." He then turned to me and said, "How about you?" 

I scoffed and said, "I don't kiss and tell. But I did enjoy her… I think she did too. There is just something about a simple girl. They are kinda freaky in bed."

Stefan sighed and I looked at him and asked, "Going somewhere?" He looked at me and I remembered, "Oh, yes… you are going to school again. How you do this… again and again is just beyond me."

Zack looked at us with a baffled expression like are you not going to say anything. And Stefan just sighed and shook his head. The look of disbelief and disgust was apparent on his face. His knuckles turned white and he turned around and walked out of the room but not before glaring holes in my face.

"He looks pissed." I said in a playful manner.

"Why are you here?" Stefan asked with a stern expression.

"I missed you, little bro. Is that not reason enough?" I walked over to his closet and opened it. It was filled with journals going chronologically. There sure was a lot of journals.

"No, because… you hate this place." He walked over to the closet and closed it.

 I looked at him and smiled, "Okay, why do you think I'm here then."

He didn't have an answer and I walked over to his desk and got hold of his latest journal and started going through it, "Though, I know why you are here." I started reading it and he had written about Elena. "Your penmanship is a sight to behold as ever." 

He looked at me and sighed, "It's not like that."

I looked up at him and he said, "She is not like her."

"Who? Katherine… the insufferable, she bitch? No, she is oh so different. Since you know Elena so well, for so many years. Oh, wait… you don't." I said my piece and went back to reading his personal thoughts and said, "I don't really get why, you two are still hung up on her."

"What do you want?" Stefan asked again and I sighed and said, "All in good time brother… but I can tell you this it's gonna be fun."

Stefan sighed and started to walk away and said, "Have a good day, brother… and pay attention in class!"


Today is a new day, full of new opportunities, possibilities and new people. I welcome it with open arms and full of energy. Getting up quickly I got ready for the new day, I got in my car and went to pick up Elena. 

"Good Morning." I looked at her and she did feel like it's a good morning, so did I.

"Good morning." I smiled and said to her.

"So did he text you?" Elena asked and I shook my head.

"It's not been three days… stupid guy rule, I guess." 

"Huh, I didn't take him for the following rules kind of guy." She turned to look at me and asked, "Why don't you text him?"

"Don't you think, it's kind of desperate?"

"I mean you kinda have to… he did ask for the details of the party. It'll be okay then." She said with a smile

"You're right, I don't have to sit around and wait for him to make the move. I can do it." I took my phone and Elena said, "Maybe do it when we're at school."

I looked at her and nodded, "You're right." I sighed and put my phone down and I asked, "So, how are we feeling about Stefan?"

She hummed and said, "He seems nice, but It's too early to say… we'll see how he does at the party."

We reached school and I texted him but there wasn't a response. I shrugged it off it's still early he might be tired and sleepy. It's nothing to worry about.

We were sitting in Tanners class and he was going on about the civil war and our towns part in it and all that. I was fixated on my phone checking it every few moments to see if he had replied yet.

"Bennett?" Tanner asked me something and I looked up and hid my phone quickly and he raised his eyebrows waiting for the answer as I blurted, "I don't know..."

He hummed to himself and said, "Maybe if you spent a little less time daydreaming you would know something that's actually worth some significance."

"Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to steer off the jock stereotype?"

Matt jus smirked in reply "I'm pretty comfortable with it." Elena had a smile on her face as she saw all this unfold.

"Gilbert?" He stared Elena down and she shook her head, "I don't know."

He sighed loudly and folded his arms and said, "I looked the other way because of clear reasons but the excuses ended after summer break."

Dick that was something I wanted to shout on top of my lungs. How could someone even say something like that to a person. She lost both her parents and he expects him to get over it over the course of summer? I was going to say something but then something pleasantly surprising happened

"There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians." A suave reply to Tanner's question came from the newbiew. Which erked Tanner all the more.

Tanner's face twisted into a stiff smile, "That's correct... Mr.?"

"Salvatore Stefan Salvatore." 

Tanner hummed and rested his butt against his desk and asked, "Salvatore huh? Any relation to the original settlers here?"

Stefan simply nodded "Distant."

Tanner simply nodded and said, "Well, very good… except of course, there were no civilian casualties."

Stefan looked at him and said, "Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers."

I got a text back from Tom, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" 

"I am but it's boring."

"I didn't want to be the reason why you got in trouble…"

"Oh, so you care about me?"

"Oh, yeah very much so… you're my first friend in this town... it does help that you're very cute."

I smiled as I looked at the text but then the class bell rang and everyone started to go out of the class as fast as they could they didn't want to be here and neither did I.

"Well, the class just ended… what are you doing by the way?"

"I'm unpacking… I didn't realize I had that much stuff when I was coming here."

"Hmm, seems like an organizational issue… I can help you with that."

"Well, I'll take you up on that, but I'll have to check your skills first… today's party would be good for it."

"Oh, yeah before I forget. It's by the old mill. around 6ish… We'll be there by 7." 

"I'm sure it'll be some time before you forget me… but still. I'll meet you there."

"Okay." I looked at his message and smiled gleefully. "Everything okay?" Elena asked as she looked at me.

"Yeah… good, super good." I quickly locked the phone and said, "Come on… we'll be late for our class."


Back at the Salvatore's

I was going through the family library looking for my father's journal. The whole family had the habit I suppose. 

"Hey." I turned to see and it was Wendy wearing my t-shirt. 

"You're up… good." I smiled as I continued to look

"I was worried that it was a dream… you and everything." She said as she walked closer to me.

"Who's to say it's not?" 

She chuckled as she came even closer and said, "Well, if it is… then I'd like it. If it never ended." She turned my head and tiptoed her lips met mine.

She looked at me and smiled, "Thank you."

I nodded a little and she turned around ready to go. "If you want to come over sometime… you can." I was a little unsure of it but a good supply of blood would be good in this town.

She turned around and shook her head. I nodded and said, "Okay… I suppose… let it be a dream to you."

She smiled and disappeared out of my sight. She took her bag and keys and as soon as she stepped foot out of the house. It was gone, the memory of last night dulled and forgotten. As if it never happened. But the feeling and the experience will always remain somewhere deep within her.

I sighed and continued my search for the journal.

Time passed quickly in the search for Giuseppe's journal and the search yielded results I finally found it. It was with Stefan, the old boy must have felt nostalgic or something I suppose. I laid down on his bed and started to read.

"What are you doing here?" I looked over the journal and found Stefan.

"School let out early?" I smiled at him, he saw the journal in my hand and walked over.

"Why are you reading his journal?" Stefan asked as he folded his arms.

"Oh, I was feeling sentimental." He stared at me and I said, "I also wanted to see what he wrote… you know after all I wasn't there when it happened... remember."

"Is that why you are here? To know what happened all those years ago? Why?" Stefan asked.

"Why not? It's history, more importantly it's our history… and I am a firm believer of "Those who doesn't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."" I closed the journal and I said, "Well, that's enough doom and gloom… when do we leave for the party?"

"I'm, not sure if I want to go now." Stefan said with a sigh, with his usual broody face.

"Oh, come on… don't be such a fun vampire… it'll be fun and besides, you have made a commitment here…" He looked at me and I rolled my eyes and said, "If I promise that I won't do my usual thing today will that be enough?"

He looked at me all confused and asked, "Why would you do that?"

I got up from his bed and smiled, "It's simple, your my brother and I want you to be happy." I patted his shoulder and said, "Now, get ready… cause we are going." I walked out the room with the journal. I looked at it and I thought, 'He must know more that the others.'