Intro to Investigative Journalism

Never have I felt so stuck, so helpless and afraid. Three days have passed since I touched Tom. The feeling I had from him was so stark than anything I felt from Stefan. I begged for answeres yet I only got more questions from him. 'What was he?' Wasn't the only thing that clouded my mind he asked me, "Who are you Bonnie?" 

"What does that mean?" Caroline asked me while she fixed her neck.

"I don't know… what he meant?" I was holding a candle trying to recreate what I did at the Lockwood mansion. After Tom had stirred up a storm in my mind, I wanted to just sit down. I was in the Dinning room and I looked at this one candle and a sense of warmth came over me and the candle lit up on its own.

"It's the three have a patent on being ass. Well, Damon more than others." 

"What really happened with you?"

"I don't know… it's all foggy… I remeber the party. I remember him kissing my neck or biting it. Maybe I let him?"

I looked at her confused and asked, "Why would you do that?"

"I don't know… all I know is that it's over and I just want to get pass this and move on."

"What are you doing with that candle?" Caroline asked as her eyebrows raised and I put it away not wanting to or not knowing how to explain it. I saw a pendant on the night stand it was made of amber I think. It was yellow and clear with an iron work around it and I asked Caroline about it, "What's this?"

She walked over and said, "Damon gave it to me or was going to give it to me… all I know is it's mine now." 

She sat down and asked, "What are you doing about Tom?"

I looked at her and said, "I don't know… and it's annoying as all hell…"

"Just talk to him, then… he's more open than them."

"Yeah… but if I ask him anything, he'll just say I already know everything I need to know and be all weird."

"What if he's right though?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if you just do as he asked… if he's saying you already know everything… then just try and think about it? If not then we'll hop in my car and go to his creepy house and make him squeal."

She looked at the pendant and I gave it to her and she said, "If I have understood anything from the Salvatore's is that they are weird. Tom being no exception but he seems like the only one not behaving like a lunatic.


(Salvatore Bording house)

Under the Salvatore house was a cellar, but unlike most where it would be used to store and house wine and other goods. This one held an animal. 

"You seem to be enjoying yourself?" A weak voice trembled through the solid door and a man with a blood bag was seen happily drinking it through a straw.

"Come on don't be a sour puss… but yeah." Tom chuckled and then turned his head and asked, "Now would be a good time… to think about your life choices."

Damon chuckled as he grasped for breath, "Now's not the time to do that… now's the time to plan for my revenge."

"Oh… Damon. Always the one with the hard head."

"You think he won't do the same to you?" Damon turned his head and said, "You think he won't know about those people in the mountain? Or the hundreds of thousands that you've killed? I'm a monster but you are something far worse than me. It's just a matter of time."

"Even he wants to he won't be able to." Tom looked ahead.

"Why because he loves you? Or because you are strong? Forget Stefan what about her? What will she do when she realise who you are?"

"She already does." 

Damon laughed and even though it pained his entire body he couldn't stop himself, "Not that vampire thing… she's a girl. She'll find that fascinating… I'm talking about what you do… Witch eater?"

 "Hmm… all of this work Damon? What for? Why suffer through this?"

"You say why? I ask why not? I'm not like you or him."

"That's apparent."

"I don't forget… I keep my vows."

Tom's face twisted as he got up to look and saw Damon and said, "Katherine? You're doing this for her?" Tom sighed and said, "She died that day and thank god for it."

Damon grunted and shook his head, "No… she's alive… in there. You of all know very well how to kill a vampire."

 "So if I help you to get her out and only her? Will go away quietly?"

Damon just grunted and Tom looked at him before leaving the cellar and calling Stefan, "I want to talk with you."


Hey guys this is a small chapter but I have to divide it into 2 the other part will be available on Monday after my exam. Thanks guys