162 Candles Pt.3

(I'm feeling good- Michael Bublé)

A new day dawned on the Salvatore manor, today was supposed to be a special day. Well to some it was, a birthday for a perpetual 18 year old boy could only be so special. The birthday boy was still sleeping in his room, as were most people. But there were two who were awake in this early hours. Vicki was seen dressed in athletic wear carrying a notebook of sorts and making her way downstairs to the parlour.

She was a little confused as to why Tommy asked her to bring a notepad with her to the workout. But not wanting to question him or more likely to not piss him off she did as she was told. As the days were going by Vicki was becoming more and more obedient to Tommy. 

She reached the parlor and saw Tommy sitting on the floor all criss cross applesauce style but it was a little different though Vicki. Tommy had his hands stretched to his knees and was breathing deeply and slowly. She looked at him and contemplated whether to disturb him he look like oddly calm.

Without opening his eyes Tommy said, "Sit." Vicki was a bit surprised even though it wasn't anything new for her but it still. She sat down and Tom opened his eyes and looked at with a calm smile. "Good morning."

She tilted her head a little and nodded, "Morning."

Tom then looked at the time and said, "We should start…" He turned to her and said, "From today I will teach you how to calm your head and we'll also go over your studies."

She was a little bummed out, she looked at him and asked, "Is that necessary?"

He smiled and said, "Not to worry I'm not taking about what they are teaching you in school." She relaxed a bit and sighed but then quickly looked at him as to ask what then?

Even before she could ask Tommy replied, "I'm taking more about the things you would require to survive. History of the supernatural, fighting, stealth and how to snatch, drink and erase."

She looked at him surprised especially at the last part it could mean that she could finally go out of the house, albeit under supervision but still. "Where do we start?"


Today was not going all that great for everyone one of them being Elena. Her recent brush with the supernatural wasn't all that pleasant, Vicki becoming a vampire, her lying to everyone about everything, compelling Jeremy to forget about this whole thing. It was getting to her and the one that hurt her the most was Stefan. She doesn't understand what to do about her feeling for him.

She was lying on her bed unwilling to do anything, but then the door to her room opened and she saw Bonnie marching into the room. Not wanting to face her and again lie to her friend. "You up?" Bonnie asked.

"No" A muffled voice came from the comforter and Bonnie went to Elena's side and sat down and pulled the comforter away and asked, "Why didn't you call me back?"

"I…" Elena didn't know what to say.

"You're going to stay here all day?"

"Yup." Elena nodded.

Bonnie pursed her lips and said, "Move over." Elena slid to the other side of the bed and Bonnie got in and laid down with her friend. "I'm not officially worried… what going on?"

Elena sighed and looked at Bonnie and said, "Stefan and I broke up…"

"Oh" Bonnie didn't know whether to be sad or to be happy. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Right stupid question. I know I've been kind of MIA when you need me the most. I suck."

Elena sighed and swept her hands over her face and said, "You wanna make it up to me. Get my mind off of it."

Bonnie looked at Elena and smiled, "Just remember you asked for it." Bonnie got out of bed and closed the window and grabs one of Elena's pillows. She rips it and empties it of the feathers.

Elena cries, "Hey!"

"Be patient." Bonnie smiled at her and looked at the feathers spread them a little then looked at Elena, "Before I show you this I need you to swear you aren't going to tell anyone."

Elena's face shrunk and shook her head, "It's not been a good week for that."

Bonnie looked at her and pleeded, "Grams said No one is supposed to know this."

Elena sighed and nodded and Bonnie smiled and said, "Okay, so… no window is open, no air conditioning anything right?"

Elena nodded and tilted her head, "Yeah… what are you doing?"

Bonnie levitates a feather in front of Elena. As Elena looked at it amazement, Bonnie then levitates several more. Elena watches on with shock and amazement. Giddy with excitement jumping on her bed and giggling.

Bonnie saw her friend being so happy and said, "It's true Elena. Everything my Grams told me. It's impossible and it's true. I'm a witch."

Elena looked at her and smiled, "I believe you."


While the two best friends were talking their friend Caroline was unaware of any of it. She was going to the grill and was going to call Tommy, to ask him to come and help with the party when she bumped into Damon.

Damon looked at him with his smug smile and said, "Look dungeon boy I'm done being your little slave girl. You seriously hurt me, and I will be damned if you think…"

Damon tried to use compulsion on her and smiled, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Caroline pushed him to the side and walked away.

Damon was baffled as to why it didn't work and then he saw her call Tommy, "Hey, Tom can you come to grill… I need your help." Damon realise as to who was the cause for his compulsion to not work. He was a bit frustrated but he was still getting what he wanted. He left with a snark smile on his face.

She turned to look at him and he was gone, "Just come quick." She hung up the phone and made a b line to the grill.


Hey, I understand if you feel like this chapter is kinda small. But that's because it's more of in between chapter. So it's kinda hard to start and then leave a good portion of it for the next one. But that aside, I hope you do like it. The next one is the last part of this chapter with the party and the showdown. And it will be a longer chapter. With that being said, Bye.