162 Candles Pt.5

While the whole situation with Elena and Stefan was going on I decided to jump in the shower. The two of them are kinda annoying and not to their own fault I suppose. Maybe I'm just a bit sour from how it all went down with Bonnie.

I got out of the shower and dried myself with the towel and said, "Maybe I should do something about it..." I put those thoughts aside and got dressed and went downstairs.

I saw Lexi, Stefan and Vicki sitting in the parlor. Lexi and Vicki had blood bags and were drinking from them. "Save some for me" I said to them as I sat down next to Vicki on the couch.

Lexi tossed me a bag of O -ve and said, "Cruelty free"

I looked at the bag and popped a straw in it and drank. Stefan looked a bit on edge but was doing fine. "So you two back together again?" I asked and a smile appeared on his face like the sun at the end of a rainy day.

He nodded and Lexi asked, "Does this happen a lot?"

"More times than we like it to" Vicki snarkly replied and I chucked a bit.

Lexi looked at me and asked, "Doesn't it bother you... the whole resemblance to Katherine, it's eerie"

I nodded and looked at Stefan and said, "It was actually but she isn't all that bad... I mean I've haven't had a chance to properly know her so I wouldn't know."

Lexi nodded and hummed but then quickly looked at Stefan and smiled as she said, "You shouldn't wait too long and seal the deal."

Stefan was a bit confused and asked, "What? What do you mean?"

All of looked at him like a naive little child even Vicki and she was a child. Vicki looked at him and said, "She means sex."

He looked at us like lunatics and if he was human he'd probably be blushing by now, Lexi looked at Stefan with confidence and said, "You worry me, sometimes. But she is right... you must make best of this patch up and get to having sex... you'll blow her world to bits with vamp sex and then. She's yours."

"Is vamp sex really that good?" Vicki asked us

"Yes" a sudden answer came from the hall it was Damon and he continued and I know just the thing to set the mood, Lexi and Stefan looked at him and he said, "Tom's party tonight."

I looked at him wondering how did he know and I realized why Caroline was so upset. Lexi looked at me and asked, "You're throwing a party?"

"Yeah and I was going to tell you about it... it's for Stefan's birthday." Stefan looked at me like someone had just punched him in the nuts.

"I don't think it's such a great idea." Stefan said

"Oh come on for old times sake and I'm sure Tom would be upset if you didn't go." Lexi looked at him and pleaded

"Can I come?" Vicki asked to which Stefan jumped in and said, "No."

I looked at Stefan and then to Vicki. I patted her head and said, "You know you can't come... but I do have something planned for us... and I know you'll love it. Just be a little patient with me, okay?"

Lexi and Stefan looked at me and I said, "It's a small party Stefan and I've made sure that it's low key... so don't be a party pooper and quietly come with your girlfriend."

Damon looked at me and ushered me to come to him I got up and we walked to the hallway and he said, "I want that necklace back."

I looked at him and scoffed and said, "We are on the same team here Damon... we want the same thing. So don't worry about that necklace it's safe with me and I would advise you to keep away from Caroline."

He chuckled and said, "I don't mind you playing with my used toys; but giving her vervain? Have you lost your mind?"

I sighed and said, "Sometimes I wonder if you are trying to an ignorant fool or you're just a moron..." he looked at me clearly not amused "You're trying to infiltrate the secret society that had killed us in the past. Now you're trying to fuck with the sheriffs daughter who thinks you assaulted her so maybe it's not a good idea for you to poke that bear."

His face lightened and he looked at me and said, "Whatever." He scoffed and walked away in an instant


The day ended and the moons light shined on mystical falls. I was getting ready for the party as were others. I wore a red flannel shirt with blue pants. I looked at myself in moor and set my hair. I looked good.

I walked out my room and walked to Vicki's. I knocked on the door and I found her laying on bed looking bored as all hell. "Hey" she replied with a deadpanned expression.

I smiled and said, "Well, I'm going to the party."

"Have fun." She sighed

I walked inside and sat down beside her and said, "You want anything?" She didn't say anything and I sighed and got up and said, "I'll be back by well I don't know... there is food in the fridge and blood in the cellar." I was walking out as I remembered to tell her, "Ah, forgot to tell you... TV is back."

As soon as she heard that she got up and ran downstairs to watch the Tv. I went downstairs and was going out and she said, "Bring Ice cream."

"Okay." I walked out and went into my car and then suddenly Lexi appeared and sat in the car, "Let's party!"

"Where is Stefan?" I asked

"He's going to fetch his girlfriend." Lexi replied and we were off.

We arrived at the Grill and by the looks of it the party had already started. I parked the car and we went inside. As soon as we stepped our foot inside the establishment we were hit with a concoction of excitement, Liqour and warm bodies. We both looked around and well I have to say Caroline did a good job of getting proper people here. As I was thinking that to myself I saw Caroline coming towards me with a smile on her face. She was wearing a yellow dress that complimented her golden hair and she wore a lighter shade of lipstick. It was a little modest for her. But I liked it

"Hey, you here." She smiled and tried to hug me which I kinda awkwardly accepted, it's not that I didn't like her but I didn't expect it that all.

We let go of each other and I said, "You look… very nice today." She smiled she looked at me and then turned to Lexi and asked, "Ah, this is my first time seeing you… you are?"

Lexi extended her hand and Caroline shook it and said, "Lexi, I'm a friend of Stefan's."

Caroline looked at me and said, "Oh, so this is who you bought that dress for?"

Lexi looked at me and I turned to Caroline and said, "Now that we have met each other, let's properly get to know each other."

Lexi looked at her and said, "Let's drink."

We took a table near the pool table, I grabbed bottles of Vodka, Wiskey and soda and placed them on the table. "Where is the birthday boy?"

Caroline asked and Lexi said, "Should be here right about now."

I was making drinks when Bonnie showed up, she looked at me and Caroline grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit, "Lexi, this is Bonnie… Elena and Bonnie are my best friends."

Lexi looked at Bonnie and then to me and I said, "What you like to drink?"

She didn't say anything but Lexi and Caroline said, "Two parts vodka and 1 part Cranberry." They looked at each other and chuckled.

I made them their drinks and gave a sprite to Bonnie, the whole time she continued to stare daggers at me and it was a little uncomfortable.

Lexi trying to divert some attention asked Caroline, "So Car, tell me whats happening?"

"Ah, nothing much… I'm trying to focus on myself right now. You know and Tom's been a great friend."

Bonnie looked at me and then at Caroline but I guess in the nick of time, Stefan arrived with the cavalry. Elena, she can put a damper on it I'm sure of it. They came and sat down, Elena looked at the egregious amount of alcohol and looked at me and said, "I don't think it's such a good idea."

"Oh please, I'll be fine… it's Mr.Lightweight you have to worry about." I pointed at Stefan and he chuckled a bit.

"So birthday boy, how are you felling? Excited?" Caroline asked

"I'm not too big on birthdays and celebrations but I have to say I'm grateful for all of you."

As Stefan said that, Lexi looked at Bonnie and she still didn't look happy, she turned to me and said, "How about we go to the pool table. Hit some balls."

"I'm down." Elena smiled as she got up.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said to the rest as they all went ahead.

Now only Bonnie and I remained on the table. I poured myself a drink and asked if she wanted one. "What are you doing with Caroline?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not doing anything with Caroline… I'm trying to help her."

She scoffed and said, "Yeah right"

"Look, I understand that you don't trust me, but I have been trying to keep everyone safe… I gave Vervain to Caroline and her mother to protect the people of this town." She looked baffled and said, "If you want to keep us safe, then leave this town."

"I'm not going anywhere, this is town, my home… and I have been nothing but generous to this town after everything it has done to me and my family." I sighed and said, "Do not judge me for what you don't understand."

"Maybe that's the problem? How can I understand when you haven't even answered anything? How do you expect me to trust you with a name like Witch eater?"

"Oh, come on… I have told you the reason and don't judge me from that high horse of yours. Witches are just as much or if not more twisted than us. You think I'm self serving so are they… you just don't know it yet."

"So what do you want me to do? Just trust you?" She asked

"No, I'm not asking for blind faith… I'm asking for a chance for you to see what good we can do… together." I took her hand and she snatched it away and said, "I should go."

She stood up and left in a hurry.


The night went on and I continued to drink alone, I polished 2 bottles of Wiskey and suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder it was Caroline, "Are you okay?"

She sat down and I nodded, "Yeah I'm fine." I looked at the table where they were Elena, Stefan and Lexi they were having fun. "How about you? You having fun?"

"Yeah." She smiled and asked, "You don't look so good. Everything alright with you and Bonnie?"

I shook my head, "No and I think I have killed any hope for it to be okay…"

She rubbed my shoulders and said, "It's be okay."

I nodded, "i guess… I mean why am I always defined by what I did in the past? It's not fair." She nodded "You know what? Fuck it, I'm going to be Fun… I'll have fun." I got up and Caroline said, "I don't think that's such a good idea buddy. Maybe you should get some fresh air."

I took the bottle and started walking "That's a good idea." I walked out side and we were walking and I saw police cars outside and I saw the sheriff "Wait, slow down."

The sheriff looked at Caroline and then at me and said, "Get somewhere safe."

I stopped to look at her and asked, "What's with the Cavalry?"

She tilted her head and I got it and I said, "Yeah, I'll get her somewhere safe." I grabbed Caroline and I said, "Let's go the park."


(3rd POV)

Inside the bar the energy of the room shifted when the cops came, they got a girl and were escorting her outside. People started to panic and started murmuring, but no one knew what was happening. As the police were putting the girl in the car the girl threw the officer to the ground and the sheriff opened fire. Not moments after the sky crashed and thundered on the ground. The heavens bleed and the winds roared a shriek of a widow.

A man appeared before the girl with a stake in his hands but a bolt of tightening hit him near his foot jolting him and throwing his body aside like made of straw. The girl looked at the alley and disappeared before everyone's eyes. No where to be seen.

Everyone looked at the skies as they still roared of anger and wrath but soon that too passed and the skies cleared of any malice that there was before. What happened everyone wondered even the Vampires were at awe. But there was a few in know as who might be the cause of this incident.


In the public restroom Caroline and Tom found themselves as the thunderstorm started "Tommy?!" Caroline yelled but soon the weather cleared, she looked outside the skies were clear. Soon a flush was heard and Tom came outside with wet hands and said, "It's not pee. It's Vodka."