
Start of Adventure

A door opened illuminating the hall, a Man walked in, kneeling in one leg. "Father, you called?".

"Yes, stand up, I heard you won't marry the woman I arranged you to?" A deep voice sounded across the room.

The man frowned "You're right, I feel there's something wrong with her intentions".

The deep voice sounded again "if you won't marry Her, I will have to exile you to satisfy the Elders, you're free to come back but make sure to raise a good Son or Daughter to pass on my teachings to you to Him".

"Yes, I will try my best to teach my offspring so that he or she can defend his own life".

"That's good..." The Grandfather replied


A couple years later, a laughter resounding in the Forrest "Father come on, catch me if you can! Hahaha" *Swoosh*.

Leaves rustling and swaying from a great speed then a figure arrived atop a mountain and howled loudly representing great pride "Good morning Forrest of Savannah! Hahaha" Laughter spreading beyond the mountain reaching great distances.

"Alexander, I told you not to go out to train without my permission!, your mother is worried!" A man running at great strides inside the Forrest of Savannah.

Then a figure appeared behind Alexander and patted him on his shoulder, *Sigh* " The past is the past, you've already grown up but don't make your mother worry about you, atleast tell us you're going out".

"Sure!" Alexander replied

"How's your training?" His father asked

"Good" Alexander replied with a nod

"Then show me!" Alexander's father forming a fighting stance and murderous aura radiating.

"Not fair, you're using that Aura again!" Alexander doing the same, swiping his spatial ring and his personal double edged scythe appeared beside him.

Alexander then formed a fighting stance the same as a honed warrior holding a spear.

Before they could clash a figure appeared behind Alexander's father and said "What do you think you're doing?".

Then Alexander's father stood straight and froze, "Nothing, we're just playing"

"Hahahaha, father's chickening out again!" Pointing at his father

"Alex, help your butler tidy the house, I will talk some sense to your father" Alex's mother smiled

"Yes ma'am" Alex replied and saluted

Alex then walked away

A couple hours later

"Mom, what's this thick book you have here? It's very dusty," Alex called out, intrigued by the tome he had stumbled upon in the attic.

"Where did you get that?" Alex's mother approached him, her curiosity piqued by his discovery.

"Attic," Alex replied simply, holding the aged book in his hands.

With a knowing smile, Alex's mother gently took the book from him. "Oh, it's a book titled 'The Legacy of Titans: Secrets of the Cosmos'," she said, her voice tinged with reverence.

Intrigued, Alex nodded eagerly, his interest piqued. "Can you tell me about it, Mom?" he asked, eager to unravel the mysteries hidden within its pages.

And so, seated together in the warmth of their home, Alex's mother began to recount the ancient tale of the titans Leviathan, Lyonax, and Ourtheos, and their cosmic rivalry that shaped the very fabric of existence. As she spoke, the words of the past wove a tapestry of wonder and awe, revealing secrets long forgotten and powers beyond comprehension.

With each word, Alex's imagination soared, envisioning the titanic clash of forces and the delicate balance that held the cosmos in harmony. And as the tale unfolded, he realized that the legacy of the titans was not just a story of power and rivalry, but a testament to the enduring bonds of family and the wisdom passed down through the generations.

As the last echoes of the tale faded into the quiet of the evening, Alex felt a newfound sense of awe and wonder for the world around him. And though the secrets of the cosmos remained vast and unknowable, he knew that he carried within him the legacy of the titans, a legacy of strength, resilience, and the enduring power of family.

After Alex's mother finished recounting the tale of the titans, she gently placed the book aside and looked at him with a soft smile. "It's time for bed, Alex. You need to rest," she said, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Reluctantly, Alex nodded, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling over him. "Okay, Mom," he replied, stifling a yawn as he rose from his seat.

As he made his way to his bedroom, his mother's words echoed in his mind, mingling with the ancient legends of the titans. Teytulo, the legacy of his family, seemed to pulse with a newfound significance, stirring something deep within him.

Just as Alex began to drift off to sleep, a soft voice interrupted the silence of the night. It was the family butler, his expression grave as he stood by the door.

"Master Alexander, I'm sorry to disturb you, but you must flee," the butler whispered urgently, his eyes darting nervously to the window.

Confusion and fear washed over Alex as he struggled to comprehend the sudden urgency of the situation. "Flee? Why? What's happening?" he asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

The butler hesitated for a moment before replying, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's no time to explain, Master Alexander. Trust me, you must leave immediately. Your life is in danger."

With a sense of foreboding gnawing at his gut, Alex nodded, realizing that he had no choice but to heed the butler's warning. Silently, he gathered a few belongings and stole out into the night, the shadows of the forest enveloping him like a cloak of darkness.

As he stood on the threshold of his room, ready to flee into the night, the family butler approached him with two items clutched in his hands: a small sapphire pendant and a gleaming scythe, the family weapon heirloom.

"Master Alexander, take these," the butler said, his voice urgent yet steady.

Confused, Alex reached out and accepted the pendant and scythe, feeling their weight in his palms. The sapphire pendant gleamed softly in the dim light, while the scythe hummed with ancient power, its blade shining with a dull silver glow.

"The pendant will show you the life force of your mother and father, allowing you to keep track of their well-being from afar," the butler explained, gesturing to the sapphire.

"And the scythe is the family weapon heirloom, passed down through generations," he continued, indicating the weapon. "Use it to protect yourself and uphold the honor of your family."

Alex nodded, his resolve hardening as he fastened the pendant around his neck and gripped the scythe tightly in his hands. With a final nod of gratitude to the butler, he turned and fled into the night, the pendant and scythe glowing softly as he disappeared into the shadows of the forest. Little did he know that these items would soon become his most trusted companions, guiding him through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead on his journey of discovery and redemption.