
Obtaining useful information and Enrolling to Arcane Academy

After acquiring the map, Alexander's quest for information led him to a bustling merchant shop nestled among the labyrinthine streets of the capital. With a determined stride, he entered the shop and approached the counter where a shrewd-looking merchant stood, his eyes keen and his demeanor businesslike.

"Good day, sir," Alexander greeted the merchant with a respectful nod. "I seek information about recent events and news. Can you assist me?"

The merchant regarded Alexander with a scrutinizing gaze before nodding in agreement. "Of course, my friend," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity. "But information comes at a price. If you seek news, you must first pay."

Understanding the merchant's terms, Alexander reached into his pouch and withdrew a handful of coins, which he placed on the counter before the merchant. With a satisfied nod, the merchant collected the payment and leaned in closer, his expression growing more animated as he prepared to share the sought-after information.

"In recent days," the merchant began, his voice low and conspiratorial, "rumors have been swirling of unrest in the eastern provinces, with reports of bandit raids and skirmishes along the borderlands. Additionally, whispers of political intrigue and power struggles within the capital itself have been circulating among the city's elite."

Listening intently, Alexander absorbed the merchant's words, his mind racing with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead. But amidst the tumult of news and rumors, one name stood out above all others—Lynthyr.

Intrigued, Alexander pressed the merchant for more information about the Lynthyr family, known for their prowess in both martial and magical arts. The merchant's eyes lit up with recognition, and he eagerly shared what he knew.

"The Lynthyr family is indeed a formidable clan," the merchant explained, his voice tinged with respect. "Their warriors and mages are renowned for their adept control of mana, making them formidable opponents on the battlefield."

He went on to describe the main weapons favored by the Lynthyr family—swords, greatswords, scythes, daggers, and a unique weapon known as the Grandoise. At Alexander's quizzical expression, the merchant elaborated.

"The Grandoise is a marvel of craftsmanship," he continued, his tone reverent. "It is a combination of a greatsword and staff, capable of changing into any heavy weapon at the wielder's will. Truly a weapon of unparalleled versatility and power."

As the merchant finished his explanation, Alexander's mind buzzed with excitement at the prospect of encountering such formidable adversaries and legendary weapons on his journey. Armed with this newfound knowledge, he thanked the merchant, After learning about the Lynthyr family and their formidable reputation, Alexander's thirst for knowledge led him to seek further information about their rivals and potential allies in the region. With a determined resolve, he approached the merchant once more, willing to pay whatever price necessary to uncover the secrets of the world beyond.

"Sir, I seek more information," Alexander stated firmly, his voice resolute as he placed a handful of coins on the counter. "Specifically, I wish to learn about the Lynthyr family's rivals and any notable factions or clans in the area."

The merchant's eyes gleamed with anticipation at the prospect of another transaction, and he eagerly accepted Alexander's payment before launching into his tale once more.

"As for the Lynthyr family's rivals," the merchant began, "one notable clan that comes to mind is the Valorn family. Known for their mastery of elemental magic and strategic prowess, the Valorn family has long been locked in a fierce rivalry with the Lynthyr clan, their conflicts shaping the very fabric of the region's history."

Listening intently, Alexander absorbed every detail, his mind racing with thoughts of the intricate power dynamics at play in the world beyond his home. He made a mental note to tread carefully should he encounter members of either clan on his journey, wary of being caught in the crossfire of their age-old feud.

But Alexander's thirst for knowledge did not end there. He also sought information about the nearest academy where he could enroll and further his education in the ways of the world. With a hopeful expression, he turned to the merchant once more, ready to pay for the valuable information he sought.

"Can you tell me about the nearest academy where I can enroll?" Alexander inquired, his voice tinged with eagerness. "I wish to expand my knowledge and hone my skills beyond the teachings of my parents".

The merchant nodded in understanding, his gaze thoughtful as he considered Alexander's request. "Ah, yes, there is indeed an esteemed academy nearby known as the Academy of Arcane Arts," he replied. "Located just a few days' journey from here, it is renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and distinguished faculty, making it the ideal destination for aspiring scholars, warriors, and mages like yourself."

Grateful for the merchant's guidance, Alexander thanked him profusely before taking his leave, his mind buzzing with excitement at the prospect of embarking on a new chapter of his journey. Armed with the knowledge of his family's status, as well as the location of the prestigious academy, Alexander set out once more, his heart filled with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

Excited to embark on his new journey of learning and discovery, Alexander set out for the Academy of Arcane Arts. As he arrived, the grandeur of the institution took his breath away, its towering spires and intricate architecture a testament to centuries of knowledge and tradition.

Entering the academy, Alexander was greeted by the instructor who would guide him through the enrollment process. With a warm smile, the instructor led him through the hallowed halls, explaining the academy's rich history and esteemed reputation as they walked.

Arriving at a secluded courtyard outside the academy, the instructor gestured towards a shimmering portal that pulsated with arcane energy. "Step through the portal, Alexander," the instructor instructed, his voice tinged with anticipation. "Inside awaits a test to assess your abilities and determine your suitability for the academy."

With a mixture of excitement and apprehension, Alexander took a deep breath and stepped through the portal. In an instant, he found himself transported to another realm, where a vast forest stretched out before him, teeming with life and mystery.

Surrounded by other candidates, each filled with determination and resolve, Alexander prepared himself for the challenges ahead. The test was grueling, consisting of solo challenges designed to push the limits of the candidates' capabilities in magic, combat, and intellect.

As Alexander navigated through the dense forest, he encountered hidden instructors who observed his performance with keen eyes, evaluating his every move and decision. With each challenge he faced, Alexander drew upon his training and instincts, demonstrating his prowess as both a mage and a warrior.

Hours passed as the candidates tackled one challenge after another, their skills and resilience put to the test in the unforgiving wilderness. And as the sun began to set on the horizon, signaling the end of the test, Alexander emerged victorious, his spirit soaring with pride and accomplishment.

With the test completed and his abilities proven, Alexander returned to the academy alongside his fellow candidates, eager to begin his studies and unlock the boundless potential that lay within him. And as he stepped through the portal once more, he knew that his journey was only just beginning, with countless adventures and discoveries awaiting him in the halls of the Academy of Arcane Arts.