Chapter 10 Jian Shichu? Easy to get along with? Haha!_1

Passing through an intersection, Ye Qingci looked around, making sure no one noticed her, and then she quickly ran up to the Son of Light's car, pulled open the door, and climbed in.

Sitting grandly in the back seat of the car, Jian Shichu looked at her askance, radiating a fierce aura, "Playing the thief, are you? Getting into my car, you're that ashamed of yourself?"

He really wanted to crack open this girl's head to see what she was actually thinking.

In the entire Empire Country, who wouldn't take pride in knowing Jian Shichu?

Clinging to him, like the sturdy tree he was, even a scant amount slipping through his fingers was enough to make others rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Yet this girl, getting into his car, acted as if she had lost her dignity.

Sneaking around, hiding and ducking as if being seen with Jian Shichu was something to be ashamed of?

"No," Ye Qingci said indifferently, "I just don't want to be famous."

"Famous?" Jian Shichu scoffed at her, "What kind of fame?"

Ye Qingci glanced at him, "Isn't being Jian Shichu's scandalous girlfriend fame enough?"

"What?" Jian Shichu grabbed her chin, "Being my scandalous girlfriend embarrasses you?"

"Let go of me!" Ye Qingci pushed him away forcefully, glaring at him with anger, "It's not that being your scandalous girlfriend embarrasses me, I just don't want to be your scandalous girlfriend at all!"

Thinking of Ye Jingzhi's disappointment and sadness—courtesy of the man before her—made Ye Qingci wish she could pounce on him, bite him to death, eat his flesh, and drink his blood.

But she couldn't.

She was no match for Jian Shichu, and neither was the Ye family.

To ensure the safety of her elder brother and the entire Ye family, she had no choice but to swallow her pride and anger.

Her cheeks flushed with rage, her chest heaving violently.

Jian Shichu watched her intensely for a moment and then suddenly kissed her.

Not seeing her for a day, he found himself missing this little girl unexpectedly.

For her, he'd ended work early, condescended from his lofty position, and together with Xiao Ying, waited outside her school to see her after classes.

For the first time in his life, he felt such heartache for a woman, yet she treated him like a flood or a savage beast, looking at him with disgust.


Almost waiting for him to leave her lips, Ye Qingci forcefully pushed him away, her voice trembling as she asked, "Jian Shichu, what will it take for you to let me go?"

"Let you go?" Jian Shichu sneered, "The agreement is clear, I'm the only one with the right to call STOP in this game! As long as I don't say stop, you have no choice but to stay by my side forever, you can't go anywhere!"

The agreement!

The agreement!

That damned agreement again!

"Why?" Ye Qingci, infuriated, pounded the back seat, "Jian Shichu! I'm a citizen of Empire Country, a free individual, I'm not your slave, why the hell should I do whatever you want, bend to your every whim?"

Jian Shichu glared at her, "Because I am Jian Shichu!"

Ye Qingci: "..."


What a perfect answer!

Just because he is Jian Shichu!

The richest man in Empire Country, Jian Shichu!

Just because he controls the economic lifeline of the Empire, possesses unrivaled wealth, he believes he can do whatever he wants, lawlessly and unrestrained.

It's her own fault for getting involved with him.

She should have known she was cursed from birth, always unlucky, with not just a little bad luck, but an ever-growing mountain of it!

Knowing she couldn't win against Jian Shichu, Ye Qingci closed her eyes powerlessly, leaning back in the car seat without saying a word.

What could she do?

If it were only about her, she'd rather be dead.

But behind her stood her elder brother and the Ye family; she couldn't let them suffer on her account.

Seeing her close her eyes sent a surge of anger to the top of Jian Shichu's head.

What was it now?

She'd rather close her eyes than look at him?

Countless women tried everything in their power just for a glimpse of him.

And she, she couldn't care less about looking at him?

Rage burning in his eyes, he leaned over abruptly and grabbed Ye Qingci's chin, "Ye Qingci! Open your eyes!"

"What are you doing?" Ye Qingci opened her eyes, forcefully knocking his hand away from her chin.

Jian Shichu simply cupped Ye Qingci's face with both his hands, bringing his face close to hers, face-to-face.

Ye Qingci and he stared at each other, she was at a loss whether to laugh or to cry, "Jian Shichu, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Don't close your eyes!" Jian Shichu commanded imperiously, "You have to look at me! As long as I'm present, your gaze can only fall on me!"

"Jian Shichu, are you out of your mind?" Ye Qingci said incredulously, "Do you think you're the sun? That everyone has to revolve around you?"

"You're right!" Jian Shichu pressed her cheeks firmly, "I am the sun, and you will orbit around me!"

Ye Qingci's face was squeezed like a dumpling, she was going mad, "Jian Shichu, you, you, you..."