Chapter 55 Lost All Dignity_1

As those words left his mouth, Ye Jingzhi felt as though he had stripped naked and was running through the streets, his self-esteem shattered into powder.

He suddenly looked up, eyes reddened, staring at Jian Shichu, his body no longer trembling, he calmly said, "Seventh Master, the car accident at the age of twelve didn't just rob me of my legs, it also took away my most basic pride as a man. I was afraid of making my mom sad, I didn't dare to tell her I had lost sexual function, that I could not consummate... Even holding Cici, I can't do anything. Are you satisfied now?"

He loved Ye Qingci.

His affection for Ye Qingci exceeded even his own life.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't consummate, he didn't want Ye Qingci to follow him into a living widowhood, he would have married her long ago; how could he have allowed Jian Shichu to meet the unmarried Ye Qingci?

Ye Qingci stared at him with wide, horrified eyes, unable to believe her own ears.


No, no, no!