After Chapter 58, will he become a slave to his wife?

"Okay, bite, just bite." For Jian Shichu, this wasn't a punishment, but a privilege.

Ye Qingci wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned down, and used her chin to nudge his open collar before biting down on his shoulder.

She bit down hard without any mercy.

It wasn't until the taste of blood filled her mouth that Ye Qingci slowly loosened her teeth and looked at his shoulder.

His shoulder's skin was fair and clean, with distinct muscle lines; the crescent-shaped bite marks were tinged with shades of blue and purple, and the depths of the indents were faintly bloodied.

Looking up at his face, she saw languidness mixed with a faint smile. There wasn't a single expression of pain, but rather a hint of pride.

When he saw her looking at him, he pulled her close, rested his forehead against hers, and gently rubbed noses with her, "Cici, do you know? I only now feel a sense of reality...that you truly belong to me..."