After chapter 69, I will hold you like this_2


"I like it, it's incredibly beautiful," Jian Shichu kissed her over and over, then looked up at her face, "Where did Nanny find you from?"

"Just like with your brother, from a pile of garbage," Ye Qingci finally opened her eyes and held his hand, "So... I stink."

"Nonsense!" Jian Shichu sniffed at her neck, "You must be a Flower Fairy, I have never smelled anything so wonderful. It's just too faint—I can never get enough of it. And... I always feel like I have smelled this scent before, but no matter how hard I try, I can't remember." Ye Qingci laughed, "Too much of anything isn't good, a faint scent is just perfect."

"I know, you're deliberately scheming," Jian Shichu bit her in the hollow of her neck, "You intentionally make your scent so light so that I can't get enough, so that I will want to keep smelling it over and over, for a lifetime."

"If that's really the case, it would be good," Ye Qingci laughed softly, intertwining her fingers with his.