Chapter 94 What Evidence Do You Have?_1

"But I have made you unhappy," Ye Qingci spoke softly. "If it weren't for me, you would surely have sweet dreams every night, not be troubled like this, and definitely not get up in the middle of the night to drink your sorrows away."

"Silly!" Jian Shichu chuckled as he stroked the back of her head. "A life that never changes is like a stagnant pool, what's there to look forward to? Ever since you came into my life, every day is filled with vibrant colors, like opening a door to a new world. Each day is full of surprises, full of unexpected events. I am overjoyed and couldn't possibly have any regrets."

Especially for a man like him, favored by the heavens, where every wish is granted, where everything desired is easily obtained. With time, everything turns dull and unremarkable.

Today repeats yesterday, and tomorrow will repeat today.

Day after day, year after year, life is like that stagnant pool, utterly still.